State Crisis Intervention Program – Secure, Store, Track, and Return Relinquished Firearms

The Washington State Department of Commerce is soliciting proposals from jurisdictions that demonstrate a need for additional capacity and tools related to securing, storing, tracking, and returning firearms relinquished pursuant to court orders. This NOFO is only open to jurisdictions that operate as a unit of local government (a city, county, town, township, or federally recognized tribe). Commerce intends to distribute multiple sub-awards in an amount not to exceed $250,000…

July 2024 Transportation Electrification Open Funding Opportunities

US DOE – Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program Qualifying Applicants – Manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles that achieve defined fuel economy targets, and manufacturers of components or materials that support eligible vehicles’ fuel economy performance. Qualifying Projects – Must 1) manufacture eligible vehicles or components that are used in eligible vehicles, 2) build new facilities; reequip, modernize, or expand existing facilities; and/or for engineering integration performed in the US…

2024 Homeownership Notice of Funding Availability

The Department of Commerce is now soliciting applications from affordable housing projects seeking funding in the 2024 funding cycle for Homeownership projects. Applications may be submitted for: down payment assistance revolving loan fund (RLF) self-help projects short-term production loans affordability subsidy for long-term or permanent affordable resale restricted programs (such as Community Land Trusts or deed restricted programs) any other Housing Trust Fund-eligible project types View/Download NOFA documents Please download…

RFP – Low-Income Energy Bill Assistance Program Design

The Washington state Department of COMMERCE, hereafter “COMMERCE,” is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals for those qualified and interested in human-centered design to assist COMMERCE in understanding the importance of energy access and home energy costs to the lives of multicultural, rural, and indigenous households across Washington, and how low-income energy bill assistance programs can be designed better for households. Proposals due:  August 15, 2024 at…

Paper to Digital grants

Applications are now open for a new Paper to Digital Grant Program. In 2023, SB 5290 amended the Local Project Review Act, RCW 36.70B to consolidate, streamline, and further improve local permit review processes for applicants, customers, planners, builders and designers. This grant program is designed to provide financial support to cities and counties seeking to transition from paper to digital permit review processes in order to address housing shortages in their jurisdictions…

Applications now available – Energy Efficiency Grant Solicitation EE-024

More than $14 million in Energy Efficiency Retrofits grants are available now. Applicants must be public entities in the state of Washington: Local agencies, including any city, town, county, special district, municipal corporation, agency, port district or authority Public higher education institutions K-12 public school districts State agencies Federally-recognized tribe within Washington Key changes from the last round of Energy Efficiency grants: Grant cap increased to $1 million, with minimum…

Study to Evaluate Current and Alternative Methods for Calculating Area Median Income in Washington State

Commerce is soliciting proposals from qualified applicants to conduct a study of current and alternative methods for calculating Area Median Income (AMI) in Washington State. Commerce is seeking a consultant to collaborate with Commerce staff and external stakeholders to evaluate the impact and feasibility of both current and alternative AMI methods, including the use of AMI data by state legislative district. The consultant will conduct a thorough study, apply and…

Innovation Cluster Accelerator Program Cohort 2.5 Solicitation Application

The Washington State Department of Commerce, is initiating a Solicitation of Applications from industry-led consortia interested in participating in the a new accelerated cohort of the Innovation Cluster Accelerator Program (ICAP). ICAP is an economic development strategy to strengthen industry ecosystems and accelerate economic development. Contract award amounts: Maximum of $150,000 per contract. The number of awards depends on the number and quality of applications received. COMMERCE intends to award…

Request for Proposals: ICAP Fusion Cluster Applications

Commerce seeks proposals from fusion related industry-led clusters or consortia interested in participating in Fusion Cluster development as part of the Innovation Cluster Accelerator Program (ICAP). ICAP is an economic development strategy aimed at strengthening industry ecosystems and accelerating economic growth. Commerce is seeking proposals for the development of a Fusion Cluster and the development of a legislative report with recommendations on the promotion and development of fusion energy in…

State Project Improvement (SPI) grants

Request for Applications: SPI-024  $4,850,000 is available for the 2023-25 biennium to state agencies including public higher education institutions. Applications will be reviewed for award on a first-come, first-serve basis. Applications will be accepted as long as funding is available. The period of performance will end June 30, 2025.  Projects may already be under contract or in construction at the time of application, however costs will not be reimbursed retroactively.…