Ecosystem Services Program
The Ecosystem Services program is responsible for implementing natural environment protection and restoration policy in the Growth Management Act. This includes critical areas protection, and implementation of the Commerce role in the Governor’s salmon recovery strategy, and the Commerce role in the Puget Sound National Estuary Program
Salmon Recovery through Local Planning Grant
The Washington State Department of Commerce and the Puget Sound National Estuary Program’s, Habitat Strategic Initiative Leads (HSIL), developed this grant program to support local governments and tribes working on salmon recovery and to further the Puget Sound National Estuary Program’s investment priorities.
With funding from the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Commerce and our partners completed our first round of awards and will be making announcements this summer. The funding provided through this program will support updates to comprehensive plans and development regulations focused on protecting ecosystems, improving water quality and improving vital salmon habitat.
Depending on funding availability, Commerce hopes to hold a second application round in the fall of 2024.
Application Materials
- Salmon Recovery through Local Planning Grant Application Instructions (PDF)
- Questions and Answers (PDF)
If you have any questions, please contact us at or
Commerce’s Role in Puget Sound National Estuary Program
As part of the National Estuary Program and funded through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Washington State Departments of Commerce, Ecology, Fish and Wildlife, and Natural Resources have coordinated their efforts since 2011 to promote watershed based planning approaches to development and natural resource protection.
Funding has been directed to support numerous local, tribal and non-profit groups to improve environmental outcomes for the Puget Sound basin. Since 2016, these agencies have worked with the Washington Stormwater Center at Washington State University to promote integrated stormwater and land use planning approaches, and are collaborating with other federal, state, local and tribal partners to promote regional priorities and fund targeted near term actions to recover the Puget Sound basin.
Please see the list of Commerce supported goals and techniques
- Promoting more regional alliances to improve cross-jurisdictional planning, with an emerging focus on regional approaches to targeted stormwater mitigation.
- Puget Sound Mapping using consistent methods to display growth patterns across the Puget Sound Region, which allows decision makers to compare expected and actual development patterns over the landscape across major land use categories.
- Stormwater projects including watershed-based retrofit planning, as well as developing new implementation strategies for improving freshwater stream health and reducing toxic pollution impacts on fish.
- Advancing Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) and Land Conservation and Local Infrastructure Programs (LCLIP) in the Puget Sound Region. With increasing climate impacts, TDR and LCLIP provide important tools for local governments to address climate resilience and adaptation by offering ways to move development from places a community would like to preserve to places the community would like to focus development, such as compact, walkable areas served by high-capacity transit.
Integrating Stormwater and Habitat Management into Comprehensive Plans
Commerce recommends using the Sound Choices Checklist and the Puget Sound Regional Council’s (PSRC) Integrating Stormwater Solutions documents to assist local governments with upgrading comprehensive plans for stormwater and habitat management.
The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead (HSIL), in partnership with state natural resource agencies, has updated the Sound Choices Checklist for comprehensive plans. This checklist is a tool that aligns Puget Sound recovery strategies and actions with comprehensive plan elements. Puget Sound jurisdictions can use the checklist to consider if and how their comprehensive plans are setting the stage for Puget Sound recovery. This checklist also compliments the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Riparian Management Zone Checklist (PDF).
The PRSC’s guidance discusses stormwater solutions across comprehensive plan elements and how to integrate policies into your local plan. Some examples of stormwater solutions include stormwater parks and watershed-based land use planning. The guidance provides model policies, project examples and resources that can provide the groundwork for implementing these solutions. The Puget Sound Regional Council’s Planning Resources page also has additional resources on stormwater and watershed planning.
Building Cities in the Rain
Commerce, in consultation with a work group of interested parties, has developed a guidance document that describes a process for prioritizing watersheds for stormwater retrofits. It is intended to provide a tool for local governments to target investment in stormwater retrofits in a way that leverages opportunities for salmonid habitat restoration and facilitates redevelopment in urban centers. The Building Cities in the Rain guidance describes a three-step watershed prioritization process for stormwater retrofits, and provides sources of data for prioritization.
Building Green Cities
The Washington State Department of Commerce’s Guidebook: Incentivizing Low Impact Development (LID) Beyond Permit Requirements presents ways that local governments can incentivize developers to voluntarily incorporate LID on projects in urban growth centers. The guidebook includes tools and outreach materials that local governments can utilize to encourage developers to go beyond existing stormwater requirements, including factsheets for best management practices and a variety of incentive programs.
- Factsheets (PDF)
- Incentivizing Low Impact Development (LID) Guidebook (PDF)
- Building Green Cities 2017 project webpage
Is a Community Based Public-Private Partnership (CBP3) right for your community?
A Community Based Public-Private Partnership (CBP3) is an innovative option in which a government agencies and private partners use green infrastructure to improve both water quality and quality of life for a community. The following guidebook is oriented to local government staff considering a CBP3 project option for their municipality.
It can be used within Phase I or II municipal storm water permits, or to assist with smaller scale public and private stormwater improvement projects. The guidebook provides guidance in project finance, procurement, construction, and maintenance to local staff, project participants, and elected officials.
Please see these Ecology websites for more information:
Additional Stormwater Management Guidance
Planning for Stormwater Parks
Stormwater parks are community facilities that treat stormwater from a larger area, while also providing recreational opportunities. This guidance document (PDF) describes the many benefits of stormwater parks, shares information and lessons learned from already-built parks, and provides guidance for the planning of future stormwater parks.
Low Impact Development, Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound
This guidance manual (PDF) provides storm water managers and site designers with a common understanding of low impact development practices (LID) and specifications applicable to the Puget Sound basin. Technical LID guidance will assist engineers, landscape architects, developers, and planners with project design and construction.
The Puget Sound Urban Tree Canopy and Stormwater Management Handbook
Created by the Environmental Protection Agency: National Estuary Program, the Puget Sound: Urban Tree Canopy handbook (PDF) provides an overview of stormwater management benefits. The handbook promotes tree planting and tree retention as a green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) strategy. The guidance also encourages communication between urban forestry and stormwater management professionals, in addition to educating and engaging policy makers, builders, developers, and property owners about environmental and community benefits.
Quick Links
- Growth Management
- Governor's Smart Communities Awards
- Climate Program
- Planning for Housing
- Laws and Rules - Growth Management Act
- Periodic Updates - Growth Management Act
- Growth Management Grants
- Growth Management Topics
- Guidebooks and Resources
- Civilian-Military Compatibility
- Defense Community Compatibility
- Ecosystem Services Program
- Regional Planners' Forums
- Short Course on Local Planning
- Submitting Materials to the State
- Tribal Planning Coordination
David Pater, Senior Planner
Phone: 564-669-1888
Angela San Filippo, Ecosystem Program Manager
Phone: 564-233-9522
Tara Newman, Senior Planner
Phone: 360-725-3414
Critical Areas
Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA) requires all cities and counties to designate and regulate Critical Areas, which are defined as wetlands, areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers use for potable water, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequently flooded areas, and geologically hazardous areas. Critical areas perform key functions that enhance our environment and protect us from hazards.