Planning for Transit-Oriented Development

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is the way communities have historically developed around the world, with clusters of human development near key transportation routes like waterways and rail lines. Today, station areas plan for compact, walkable, and mixed-use development, assuming people within ½ mile will walk to access transit. 

Photo of light rail station next to urban housing.
Photo courtesy of Sound Transit.

TOD in Washington State

Creating more density near transit will be critical as Washington plans to accommodate future population growth, while also addressing climate change. TOD is the practice of planning for greater development intensity near transit stops, such as mixed-use buildings with employment, commercial, multifamily residential, and public spaces. In this context, public transit means transit that accommodates commuting and use as a primary transportation option, such as light rail, heavy rail, or bus rapid transit.

TOD supports human-scaled compact urban development – clustering homes, businesses, employment sites, all within easy access to high quality public transit service. Many agencies in Washington are already working on TOD initiatives.


Commerce Resources

WSDOT Resources

Puget Sound Resources

Other TOD Resources