Defense Community Compatibility Account

The 2019 Legislature created the Defense Community Compatibility Account to support necessary infrastructure and compatible land use near military installations in Washington. The program provides a framework for evaluating and prioritizing projects that enhance the economy, environment and quality of life opportunities for local communities affected by the presence of military installations.

Program Summary

The Defense Community Compatibility Account (DCCA) directs Commerce to evaluate numerous civilian-military land use projects and submit a list to the Legislature of projects ready to address compatibility issues. With the development of this program, Washington joins 19 other states that provide funding opportunities to promote compatibility between the military and their host communities. 

DCCA promotes land use compatibility between communities and military installations by providing a consistent and programmatic framework for soliciting and evaluating civilian-military compatibility projects. Project solicitation and evaluations help identify and prioritize needs from numerous communities that are affected by military activities. Additionally, it facilitates coordination between military installation commanders and local government planners by providing a funding mechanism for the implementation of compatible land use solutions.

2024 Project Application Window Open

The 2024 DCCA project application window is open through September 13, 2024. Please contact Mike Cahill, program manager, for application materials. 

Program materials

2022 Project Solicitation

The program’s call for civilian-military compatibility projects elicited 15 submittals. These diverse projects range from construction and property acquisition to habitat restoration and downtown revitalization. The table below shows all 15 application rankings requesting $36.67 million in state funding. The detailed list of prioritized projects, including secured funding totals, is available in the Legislative report (PDF)

2022 Prioritized Project List:

RankNameDCCA funding requestRequired federal match securedSecured DCCA Funding
1City of Lakewood, McChord North Clear Zone$900,000YesYes
2Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Keystone Preserve$1.3MYesYes
3Lakewood Water District, Water Well (K-3, G-4)$3.72MYesYes
4Lakewood Water District, Water Well (Hipkins)$2.84MNoNo
5Lakewood Water District, Water Well (Oakbrook 0-2)$2.84MNoNo
6Lakewood Water District, Water Well (Oakbrook 0-3)$2.84MNoNo
7Compatible Lands Foundation, Fairchild REPI Easement Acquisition Program$2.5MYesYes
8Oak Harbor School District, Hand-in-Hand Early Learning Center$13.9M YesYes
9City of Bremerton, Quincy Square Civic Improvements$1.75MYesYes
10Oak Harbor School District, Crescent Elementary$13.6MYesYes
11Thurston County, Habitat Conservation Land Acquisition$8MNoNo
12Great Peninsula Conservancy, Green Mountain Compatibility Protection$3.61MNoNo
13City of Airway Heights, APZ Backfill Prevention$3.47MNoNo
14Port of Everett, Destination Retail Waterfront$500,000NoNo
15City of Airway Heights, Downtown Business Empowerment Program$305,000NoNo
Total request: $37.67MTotal local and federal match: $126.17M

DCCA’s enabling legislation requires federal funding be committed before state funding is awarded. Because this is a biennial program and many applicants have federal grant applications under review, applicants awaiting potential federal funding awards were encouraged to apply. Projects with federal funding secured by September 2023, may be identified in agency budget decision requests for the 2024 supplemental budget. Program staff may provide assistance in the identification of federal funding opportunities for those projects in need of federal match.

The full list will be submitted to the Legislature in the 2022 DCCA report. The priority list has been submitted as recommended civilian-military land use priority projects in Commerce’s 2023-25 capital budget request to the governor. Funding is by legislative appropriation.

DCCA Program History

The year 2019 marked the program’s initial application window, formally soliciting applications for projects that promote compatible development near military installations in Washington. The list of projects was submitted to the Legislature in the 2019 DCCA Legislative Report in January, 2020.  

Enabling legislation: Substitute Senate Bill 5748 

Project Guidelines:

A wide variety of compatibility-related projects are eligible for the program, including the following list of project activities per SSB 5748

  • Projects to jointly assist in the recovery or protection of endangered species dependent on military installation property for habitat. 
  • Projects or programs to increase the availability of housing affordable to enlisted military personnel and nonmilitary residents in the local community. 
  • Projects to retrofit existing uses to increase their compatibility with existing or future military operations. 
  • Projects that aid communities to replace jobs lost in the event of a reduction of the military presence.
  • Projects that improve or enhance aspects of the local economy, environment, or quality of life impacted by the presence of military activities. 
  • Projects to enable local communities heavily dependent on a nearby military installation to diversify the local economy so as to reduce the economic dependence on the military base.

Applicants must be local governments, federally recognized Indian tribes or other entities in an agreement with a state military installation under the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program.

Program Outreach

Commerce recognizes the importance of community and stakeholder input for effective project solicitation and implementation. Ongoing outreach is conducted with a variety of representatives from federal agencies, U.S. department of defense installations in Washington, federally recognized Indian tribes in the state, city, county and state governments, associations, advocacy and nonprofit organizations, elected officials, neighborhood-based organizations, public development authorities, and other interested parties. Opportunity for engagement is announced throughout the program outreach schedule. 

DCCA Legislative Reports


Mike Cahill
Program Manager
Phone: 564-669-4931