Climate Planning Grant Funding Open Now

Climate Planning Grant Funding Open Now

Apply now for Climate Planning grants Commerce will make approximately $30 million available in climate planning grants for the 2023-2025 biennium to implement HB 1181 (2023). Each fully planning city and county is eligible for funding based on applicability (RCW 36.70A.040 (4)). Climate planning grants are available for the development of climate change and resiliency elements in local comprehensive planning. Funding is available under a formula with priority for the…

PWB Updates Pre-Construction Awards Process

The Public Works Board (PWB) updated its approach for its pre-construction program to make the opportunities for project readiness more available. While the program is still competitive, applications are now pooled on a quarterly basis and evaluated for funding. The first pooling took place this summer with the PWB awarding $4.37 million to eight qualifying projects at its August 2023 meeting. About $2.9 million remains available for the fiscal year…

New Commerce program aims to incentivize equitable access to credit for small businesses

New Commerce program aims to incentivize equitable access to credit for small businesses

Contributions in exchange for tax credits will fund grants to eligible lending institutions to provide services and investment capital for small businesses lacking access to traditional bank loans.  OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Department of Commerce has launched a new program to address inequities in accessing capital for small businesses. The Equitable Access to Credit Program, created by the state legislature (HB 1015), creates a new funding mechanism to…

Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Program (CHIP) opens for grant applications August 1

Connecting Housing to Infrastructure Program (CHIP) opens for grant applications August 1

With renewed funding from this year’s legislative session, the CHIP program will open for a new round of funding on August 1, 2023. CHIP supports housing affordability by paying for water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure for new housing projects where at least 25% of the units are affordable to occupants at or below 80% area median income. Details and program guidelines can be found on the CHIP program website, which…

Nomination window for the 2023 Governor’s Smart Community Awards is now closed

Nomination window for the 2023 Governor’s Smart Community Awards is now closed

The nomination window for the 2023 Governor’s Smart Community Awards is now closed. We want to thank everyone for their amazing submissions. Our judges will work furiously over the coming weeks to review the applications and select winners for the Smart Awards categories. You should expect to hear more about winners later this summer. These awards highlight the actions of local governments and their partners across our great state, providing…

30 Day Comment Period: HB 1337 – Draft Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Guidance

30 Day Comment Period: HB 1337 – Draft Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Guidance

Commerce Growth Management Services (GMS) has updated our HB 1337 Draft Accessory Dwelling Unit Guidance (PDF), this time with requirements reflecting recent session law HB 1337. We are opening a 30-day comment period on the new guidance with comments due by June 15, 2023. Recently passed in the 2023 legislative session, the intent of HB 1337 is to further ADU construction, and increase the variety of housing types and housing…

Final guidance to address racially disparate impacts in comprehensive plans

Final guidance to address racially disparate impacts in comprehensive plans

The Washington State Department of Commerce has released its final guidance to address racially disparate impacts in comprehensive plans. The new guidance provides a recommended methodology and checklists to help jurisdictions demonstrate that they have taken the steps to satisfy the new Growth Mangement Act (GMA) requirements in RCW 36.70A.070(2)(e-h). In 2021, the Washington State Legislature changed the planning requirements for housing through House Bill 1220 (HB 1220) (PDF). These…

Currently evaluating grant applications for 2023 funding round

Grant applications for the 2023 Solar plus Storage for Resilient Communities program with up to $35.4 million available were due March 23, 2023. The opportunity includes two tracks: Track 1: Planning and Predevelopment grants will be awarded to projects that identify sites, complete community outreach and engagement to identify community needs, complete feasibility studies, or develop cost estimates, specifications, or other early design work. Track 2: Installation grants will be…

Draft ADU Guidance – 30 Day Public Comment Period

Draft ADU Guidance – 30 Day Public Comment Period

The Washington State Department of Commerce has drafted an update to the 1994 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) guidance developed to implement RCW 43.63A.215. Public review and comment on the updated draft ADU Guidance will be open from March 15 to April 15, 2023. Updates in the draft guidance include: The legal authority and case law related to ADUs Recommendations for cities and other urban areas Key considerations for counties Addressing…