Currently evaluating grant applications for 2023 funding round
Grant applications for the 2023 Solar plus Storage for Resilient Communities program with up to $35.4 million available were due March 23, 2023. The opportunity includes two tracks:
- Track 1: Planning and Predevelopment grants will be awarded to projects that identify sites, complete community outreach and engagement to identify community needs, complete feasibility studies, or develop cost estimates, specifications, or other early design work.
- Track 2: Installation grants will be awarded to projects that complete the installation of solar plus battery storage systems, including final design, purchase and installation of equipment, commissioning, developing operational plans, training, and community outreach to increase community awareness of the facility.
Supplemental documents
- Solar plus Storage Program Grant Q&A (PDF)
- Pre-application Conference Slidedeck (PDF)
- Pre-application Conference Recording (MP4)
What is the timeline?
- Application deadline: March 23, 2023
- Notify successful and unsuccessful applicants: Mid-May 2023
- Begin Contract Work: July 1, 2023