The Washington State Task Force Against the Trafficking of Persons was reauthorized in 2015 by Senate Bill 5884 (PDF). The founding legislation can be read at RCW 7.68.350.

The membership includes:

  • Four legislators, one from each caucus in the House and Senate
  • Eight state agencies
  • A survivor of human trafficking
  • Representatives from 25 organizations, including  programs serving victims of trafficking.

The Task Force is chaired by Richard Torrance, the Managing Director of the Office of Crime Victims Advocacy. 

The task force must determine its areas of focus, and is directed to do the following:

  • Measure and evaluate the resource needs of victims and survivors of human trafficking and the progress of the state in trafficking prevention activities, as well as what is being done in other states and nationally to combat human trafficking;
  • Identify available federal, state, and local programs that provide services to victims and survivors of trafficking that include, but are not limited to, health care, human services, housing, education, legal assistance, job training or preparation, interpreting services, classes in English as a second language, and victim’s compensation;
  • Make recommendations on methods to provide a coordinated system of support and assistance to persons who are victims of trafficking; and
  • Review the statutory response to human trafficking, analyze the impact and effectiveness of strategies contained in the current state laws, and make recommendations on legislation to further the state’s anti-trafficking efforts.

The task force meets two – three times per year.  The agenda and other materials for meetings will be posted as they are available:

Task Force Meeting Documents.

WashACT—the Washington Advisory Committee on Trafficking— is a multi-disciplinary taskforce convened in 2006 by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Washington.

WashACT’s mission is to ensure that victims of trafficking receive all resources available to them; and that human traffickers are identified, investigated and prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law. WashACT is co-chaired by Assistant U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Seattle Police Department’s Vice High-Risk Victims Unit, and the Washington Anti-Trafficking Response Network. Members meet quarterly  to share information on trafficking and resources to victims of trafficking; to identify and remedy gaps in services to victims; and to coordinate investigations and prosecution of trafficking cases. Meetings are invitation only.

WashACT hosts quarterly information sessions to inform the community on anti-trafficking efforts in Western Washington and about how service providers, law enforcement, practitioners and mobilization groups collaborate to improve response to human trafficking. WashACT information sessions are free and open to the public.

For more information, or to request an invitation, email

Created by the Legislature in 2013 through Senate Bill 5308, the Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) Statewide Coordinating Committee is authorized in RCW 7.68.801. The CSEC Statewide Coordinating Committee is convened by the Office of the Attorney General.

The CSEC Statewide Coordinating Committee addresses increasing protections for exploited youth by examining local and regional practices and incidence data, and making recommendations on statewide laws and practices. Committee members include representatives from the Attorney General’s Office, the Legislature, state and local agencies, criminal justice entities and advocacy organizations.

Members of the public are welcome at meetings to observe the work of the committee. For more information, see the Committee’s website, or contact:

Kyle Wood
Assistant Attorney General

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