2019-21 Online Application for Early Learning Facilities (ELF) Grant now open

The 2019-21 ELF grant online application is now open to eligible organizations.

The Early Learning Facilities program supports Washington’s commitment of developing additional high quality early learning opportunities for children from low-income households. The program aims to help Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) contractors and Working Connections Child Care (WCCC) subsidy providers to expand, remodel, purchase, or construct early learning facilities and classrooms.

To apply, please click here to go to the ZoomGrants website. If you have a ZoomGrants account, log in and follow the instructions. If you are a new user, complete the required information for a new ZoomGrants account to create a profile.

Please do not use “The” as the first word in the agency name. Once the profile has been created, select 2019-2021 Early Learning Facility (ELF) Grant Program-Eligible Organizations and click the “Apply” button to start your application. The application auto-saves your entries whenever you change fields, so you can come back anytime to resume your work, refine responses, edit copy and upload documents up until the deadline.

Applications are due to Commerce no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 2.

Please carefully review and become familiar with the ELF Eligible Organizations Program Grant Guidelines before you begin the application. The program guidelines are available in the following formats: English|Spanish|Somali.

Links to the online application and guidelines are also available on our ELF webpage. Here you will also find helpful resources like our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Document and ZoomGrants tutorials.

Preparing for this upcoming competitive round

Please mark your calendars for a series of webinars we will be offering through Skype, during the application window.

The first two webinars in October will provide an overview of the application process and important tips to remember when completing the application. There will also be an opportunity for interested applicants to ask questions and get answers from program staff.

  • Monday, Oct.14 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Oct. 29 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The last webinar in November will be an hour of questions and answers.

  • Wednesday, Nov. 13, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Important Note: Skype can only hold up to 200 participants, so if you are unable to join any of the webinars or are having technical difficulties, we will provide a recording for each of the webinars on our webpage including the PowerPoint presentation. Below are the Skype details for the October 14 webinar. More details to follow for our upcoming webinars.

October 14 Webinar Skype Details


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1 (360) 407-3813 (COM)                     English (United States)

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Conference ID: 6347133

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Oct. 9 Webinar Skype Details – Skype Details to follow

Nov. 13 Webinar Skype Details – Skype Details to follow

For all program-related questions, please email: earlylearningfacilities@commerce.wa.gov.

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