The Department of Commerce seeks applications from organizations interested in providing diversion services to people at risk of homelessness or recently homeless in their communities. Services must be prioritized to communities with a demonstrated disproportionate representation in homelessness and housing instability. Services must be low-barrier, trauma-informed and culturally responsive. Funding will not exceed $1.275 million, and Commerce expects to fund between 8-10 contracts. Responses are due November 27. Learn more…
Commerce today announced $9.8 million in Electrification of Transportation Systems (ETS) grants for 14 projects in communities across the state.
Funding will support rural technology, innovation and broadband development studies, and a $16+ million rail construction project expected to create 103 jobs OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) today approved $488,750 in low-interest loans and $236,250 in grants for economic development, public infrastructure development and economic feasibility studies targeting business growth, job creation and broadband development in four communities across the state. Projects awarded funding…
Commerce created the Washington Youth Development Nonprofit Relief Fund and partnered with School’s Out Washington to implement it.
The Washington State Public Works Board announced nearly $18 million in grants and loans for seven broadband construction projects in unserved communities across the state.
Focus on organizations led by and serving communities of color seeks to address disproportionate pandemic impact OLYMPIA, WA – The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on nonprofit organizations, with many experiencing increased demand for services and programs while at the same time dealing with disruption of services and programs, cancellation of contracts, funding losses due to canceled fundraisers, reduced donations and other issues affecting staff and volunteer capacity.…
Commerce spearheaded a unique collaboration among public, private and philanthropic organizations to help keep small businesses open, protect and create jobs, while also looking ahead to strengthen key sectors in the future. The projects recently received a $15 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development
Washington Maritime Blue and the Port of Seattle have partnered again to launch the next cohort of the Maritime Blue Innovation Accelerator, an intensive four-month program providing access to a global network of mentors and advisors alongside Washington’s maritime industry and ocean economy leaders.
More than $10.8 million in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) will go to 21 rural cities and counties for 2020. The 27 projects awarded funding were selected from 37 grant applications requesting $18.5 million.
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has awarded the Washington State Department of Commerce a ninth year of funding to help state small businesses grow through exporting. The $1.35 million grant, part of the SBA’s State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), is the largest awarded from a total $19 million to 48 states.