Washington Community Economic Revitalization Board invests $11.9 million in six counties

State funds will leverage nearly $130 million in private, local and other state resources and are expected to create more than 125 family wage jobs.

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) yesterday approved $8.75 million in low interest loans and $3.2 million in grants for economic development and public infrastructure improvements intended to spur broadband deployment, business growth and job creation in communities throughout the state.

Among the projects supported are a new Canature USA Freeze Dry pet food production facility in Lynden and a clean energy project at the Port of Sunnyside where Pacific Ag Renewables intends to produce renewable natural gas from agricultural waste.

  • Adams County – $50,000 grant to the City of Othello for the “Economic Feasibility Study and Marketing Plan” that will assist the Othello community in expanding its economy. CERB funds are matched by $12,500 in local funds.
  • Franklin County – $50,000 grant to the City of Pasco for the “Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan” to help the city and region better plan and respond to continued growth and development. CERB funds are matched by $50,000 in local resources.
  • Kitsap County – $50,000 grant to the Port of Bremerton for the “Sewer Replacement Planning” project consisting of design and engineering needed for the replacement of approximately 1,400 linear feet of failing sewer line. CERB funds are matched by $12,500 in local resources.
  • Skagit County – $1.8 million grant to the Port of Skagit County for the “Sauk-Suiattle Broadband Connectivity Project to construct a dark fiber backbone from Darrington to the Sauk-Suiattle tribe, connecting premises within 1,000 feet of Highway 530 and extending to Skagit County radio tower facilities nearby on Christian Camp Road. This project will create 90 high-speed internet connections. CERB funds are matched by $450,000 in state resources.
  • Whatcom County – $5 million loan to the City of Lynden for the “West Main and Berthusen Road Roundabout” project including construction of a roundabout, street improvements, stormwater facilities, and LED street lighting. An estimated 74 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff are expected to be created by this project. CERB funds leveraged $40 million in private investment by Canature USA Freeze Dry. The company intends to build the largest freeze-dried pet food production facility in North America. CERB funds are matched by $1.125 million in local resources.
  • Yakima County – $25 million loan and a $1.25 million grant to the Port of Sunnyside for the “Pacific Ag Project” consisting of construction of public utilities to include sanitary sewer, sanitary force main, sanitary sewer lift station, a water main for domestic and fire flow, stormwater, and roadway improvements extended to the site. An estimated 55 FTE are estimated to be created by this project. CERB funds leveraged $80 million in private investment by Pacific Ag, for a facility to produce renewable natural gas from agricultural waste that will then be injected into the interstate natural gas pipeline. CERB funds are matched by $4.7 million in local resources.

“Since 1982, the Community Economic Revitalization Board has invested more than $223 million across the state, an investment generating over 39,000 jobs. The jobs and economic growth that result from these projects are imperative, especially as the economic landscape is shifting. These investments will help build stronger communities for our Washington residents.” said CERB Chair Michael Echanove.

The release of CERB funds to these projects is contingent upon each applicant completing specific pre-contract requirements, such as finalizing other funding sources and obtaining necessary permits. If you are a Washington local government or federally recognized Tribe and have project ideas, please reach out to Janea Stark or Leslie Wolff.

Since 1982, CERB has committed nearly $220 million to local jurisdictions across the state, an investment generating more than 39,000 jobs, and private capital investment of $6.3 billion – a $29-to-$1 return on CERB investments. Read the 2020 CERB Legislative Report and the 2020 CERB Rural Broadband Legislative Report to learn more.

As Washington’s strategic economic development resource, CERB is focused on creating private sector jobs in partnership with local governments by financing infrastructure improvements. These improvements encourage new business development and expansion. In addition to funding construction projects, CERB provides limited funding for studies that evaluate high-priority economic development projects.

Learn more about CERB at www.commerce.wa.gov/cerb.


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