Cannabis Social Equity Technical Assistance Grant Program Consultant Request for Proposals

The Washington Department of Commerce is initiating this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit Proposals from consultants or firms qualified and interested in participating in a project or firm to administer a Cannabis Social Equity Technical Assistance and Grant Program over two years. Program administration tasks shall include:

  • Development of comprehensive program in collaboration with COMMERCE
  • Provision of an online technical assistance in business plan development
  • Implementation of a mentorship program
  • Administration of two (2) grant programs with different criteria

Applicants submitting Proposals in response to this RFP will provide the above listed support services to program participants interested in starting cannabis business enterprises who meet the definition of “Social Equity Applicant in RCW 69.50.335 and otherwise.

Please Note: Consultants and Firms that have applied for, or intend to apply for, a Social Equity License through the Liquor and Cannabis Board are not eligible for contracting for this opportunity through COMMERCE to ensure separation between the contracted entity for services and the service community.

Commerce intends to award one contract to provide the services described in this RFP. Proposals for administrative overhead costs and operating expenses to carry out this project may not exceed $900,000.00.   Please see the RFP document for more information on this opportunity.

All communication regarding this program during the length of this procurement should only be directed to the RFP Coordinator.  RFP Coordinator Contact: Lauren Annette Boyan,

Pre-proposal conference

A pre-proposal conference was held Monday November 13, 2023 on Zoom. Per the RFP document, Commerce will be bound only to the written answers to questions provided within Addendum 3 – Conference Q&A.

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