November 2023 Open Funding Opportunities for Electric Vehicles and Charging Equipment
- Washington Community Charging Infrastructure Grant Program – The Washington Department of Commerce is launching the $65M electric vehicle community charging infrastructure grant program and will be accepting applications through December 1, 2023, for multi-family housing, publicly available charging, and fleet charging. Visit Washington State Electric Vehicle Charging Program website for program criteria and eligibility. The Notice of Funding Opportunity for the program opens September 6, 2023. Applications due December 1, 2023. The Department of Commerce will host a webinar about the program on November 14, 1:30-3:00 Pacific; please check one week prior to the webinar for registration information.
- Washington State Department of Ecology Upcoming Grant Opportunity – The Washington Department of Ecology grant opportunity to transition publicly and tribally owned street sweepers, refuse vehicles, freight switcher locomotives, and port cargo handling equipment to zero emission. Applications due October 26, 2023.
- The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program stipulates a 10% set-aside for grants to states and localities that require additional assistance to strategically deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The first round of funding focuses on improving the reliability of the current network by repairing or replacing existing EV charging infrastructure. Eligible applicants and projects for the EV Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator are outlined in a Notice of Funding Opportunity published September 13. Applications are due by Nov. 13, 2023. The Federal Highway Administration will host a webinar on September 21, 12-1 p.m., to provide an overview of the NOFO. Register for the webinar.
- Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants – The Department of Energy has announced a $2 billion funding opportunity to expand manufacturing of electric vehicles by converting facilities to manufacture electric vehicles and components. Concept papers are due by November 1, 2023. Full applications are due December 7, 2023.
- 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it has opened the 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Rebate Program. The 2023 rebate program offers at least $500 million in rebate funding for clean school buses and zero-emission school buses with the potential to modify this figure based on the application pool and other factors. Applications for the program are due by 4 p.m. Eastern on January 31, 2024.
- Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program – The Department of Energy is accepting applications for automotive manufacturing conversion projects that retain high-quality jobs in communities that currently host manufacturing facilities. Up to $10 billion is available. Potential applicants are encouraged to engage directly with the Loan Programs Office (LPO) for no-fee, no-commitment consultations to start a conversation about the project and about LPO’s process before formally applying by contacting to request a consultation with an LPO staff member.