The Clean Building Performance Grants solicitation offers competitive funding for energy efficiency projects in both private and public buildings that are working toward complying with the Clean Buildings Performance Standard (CBPS). These grants aim to lower energy costs, reduce pollution and generate jobs throughout the state. They specifically support Tier 1 covered buildings as well as Tier 1 and Tier 2 covered public buildings. Grants will reimburse building owners for costs associated with projects and services that help achieve compliance with the CBPS, such as:
- Energy efficiency retrofits
- Contracted services to assist with:
- Energy audits (for privately held buildings)
- Energy benchmarking
- Developing an energy management plan (EMP)
- Developing an operations and maintenance program (O&M)
The request for applications will be open from December 16, 2024 through January 30, 2025 and can be found on the Clean Building Performance Grants webpage along with more information about the Program. There will be two applicant’s conference scheduled for December 19th and January 9th where potential applicants can ask more questions about the program and eligibility.
To learn more about Clean Building Performance Grants or learn how to apply please contact us at