State clean buildings standard rulemaking process kicks off with Oct. 30 webinar

Department of Commerce to develop rules for state energy performance standard to maximize reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from commercial buildings

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Department of Commerce is hosting a public webinar at 2 p.m. PDT on Oct. 30 to introduce the upcoming process that will develop rules for adoption of the state energy performance standard for commercial buildings. The on-line session, which will be recorded and made available for future viewing, will outline the model standard and approach to developing rules. In-person meetings are planned in November and December.

Register for the webinar from the Commerce Clean Buildings web page at

The state legislature charged Commerce with establishing by rule a state energy performance standard for covered commercial buildings by Nov. 1, 2020. In developing energy performance standards, the agency must seek to maximize reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. The standard will apply to all non-residential buildings greater than 50,000 square feet in floor area.

The standard will first be implemented as an early adopter incentive program in 2021. Beginning in 2026, compliance with the standard will become mandatory. All buildings will be required to establish energy management plans. Buildings with high energy use will be required to conduct energy audits and make investments in energy efficiency improvements.

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES standard 100-2018 Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings will be used as the model standard to be modified through the rulemaking process to meet specific requirements of Washington’s state law.

As part of the process, Commerce will propose energy use intensity targets specific to buildings in the state of Washington and create procedures for reporting conditional compliance and efficiency investment criteria.

To follow rules development, visit the Commerce Clean Buildings web page and sign up to receive email updates.


Penny Thomas, Commerce Communications, (206) 256-6106

Chuck Murray, Sr. Energy Policy Specialist, (360) 259-8604

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