Candace Mumm appointed to Community Economic Revitalization Board
Spokane City Council member to serve on state board promoting jobs, economic development
OLYMPIA, WA — Washington State Department of Commerce Director Brian Bonlender today announced the appointment of Spokane City Councilmember Candace Mumm to the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB).
Mumm is CEO of Smartland LLC, a North Spokane company that builds and rehabilitates homes to make them senior-friendly. She received an MBA from Gonzaga University in 2010, and a BA in Broadcast Journalism from Pacific Lutheran University in 1982. Mumm is active in the Spokane community, serving 10 years on Planning Commission, including two terms as president. She currently serves on the boards of the Spokane Transit Authority and the Arts Fund of Spokane. Mumm is also involved with the Smart Growth America Local Leaders Council, the Five Mile Grange #903, and the Junior League of Spokane.
Mumm’s appointment is for a three-year term through November 2, 2017.
“Candace’s strong record of community engagement and knowledge of business and economic development will be a great contribution to CERB’s mission of creating jobs and driving business growth,” said Director Bonlender. “Voluntary participation on a state board such as CERB is one of the highest forms of civic engagement.”
“I am delighted at this opportunity to help communities across Washington grow their economic future. Many a project, no matter what size, can be a tremendous catalyst for growth. I look forward to working with other board members to help revitalize our towns and cities in all parts of the state,” said Mumm.