Budget update

Strengthening communities is our call of duty at the Department of Commerce. We are the only agency in state government that touches every aspect of community and economic development.

Here are the highlights of the Governor’s proposed 2017-19 biennial budget that support our top priorities of affordable housing and homelessness, resilient communities and underserved communities:

Operating Budget

  • Additional $20 million to reduce homelessness, plus $13 million for behavioral health, housing
  • Additional $25 million for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP)
  • Additional $1.8 million for small businesses and underserved communities

Capital Budget

  • $26 million to build child care facilities to support children’s early education
  • $60 million for the Clean Energy Fund, $29 million for weatherization, $20 million for energy efficiency and $75 million for clean manufacturing
  • $19 million in the Public Works Trust Fund for pre-construction and emergency loans
  • $115 million proposed for the Housing Trust Fund and Preservation Program, brownfields mitigation work for housing development and Growth-Management Act-related investments.