The Washington State Department of Commerce is seeking your feedback on the draft updates to middle housing model ordinances and the middle housing model ordinance user guide. These two ordinances, and the accompanying user guide, will provide technical assistance and guidance to cities adopting their own middle housing ordinances, regulations, and other official controls. Draft Model Ordinance for cities population 25,000 and over (PDF) Draft Model Ordinance for cities under…
Author Archives: AndrewN
The Washington State Department of Commerce is hosting three public listening sessions this month to help communities provide us with direct feedback on a new grant program intended to foster greater participation in local policy decision-making. We need input from local community-based organizations representing overburdened communities and vulnerable populations to design a pilot grant program that helps with community engagement. Please share this notice with community-based organizations in your network…
The Department of Commerce has published final model ordinances and guidance for cities and counties required to include middle housing under HB 1110 (2023). To account for differing middle housing requirements based on population, one model ordinance has been prepared to assist cities 25,000 in population and greater; another for those cities less than 25,000 in population. Final Model Ordinance for cities 25,000 and over (PDF) Final Model Ordinance for…
Commerce has $1 million in funding available for the current 2023-25 biennium to help counties and cities plan together for their lowest income housing needs through their upcoming comprehensive plans, consolidated plans, homelessness plans and other efforts. Grants are available to a county or a city planning department, a homeless housing lead or similar designated department within a local government, or a local non-profit provider of affordable housing or homeless…
Public Comment is open now through Dec. 6, 2023. Commerce has prepared two draft middle housing model ordinances as required by RCW 36.70A.636(2). Commerce also has prepared an accompanying user guide. These two ordinances and the accompanying user guide will provide technical assistance and guidance to cities adopting their own middle housing ordinances, regulations, and other official controls. Draft Model Ordinance for cities 25,000 and over (PDF) Draft Model Ordinance…
Commerce seeks public comments on its climate element planning guidance. The Washington Department of Commerce is seeking public comments on its draft intermediate climate planning guidance (PDF) for developing a comprehensive plan climate element. Commerce will provide an open comment period starting Oct. 23 through Nov. 20 for the public to review and comment on the draft intermediate guidance. Per HB 1181 (2023), Commerce must publish “intermediate” guidance by the…
Commerce seeks public input on PRO Housing application. Ver información en español // 以中文查看内容 Public comment period through October 19, 2023 The Washington State Department of Commerce seeks public input on its grant application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Commerce is applying to HUD’s PRO Housing grant program, requesting $10 million over a six-year period to support cities and counties in Washington state as…
Commerce has developed a Draft Displacement Risk Map to support jurisdictions with the new housing element requirements. This map will help jurisdictions meet GMA requirements to “identify areas that may be at higher risk of displacement from market forces.” A webinar was held on September 7 to share our methodology and answer questions about the new map. Check out the Draft Statewide Displacement Risk Map webinar recording (Vimeo) or visit…
Apply now for Climate Planning grants Commerce will make approximately $30 million available in climate planning grants for the 2023-2025 biennium to implement HB 1181 (2023). Each fully planning city and county is eligible for funding based on applicability (RCW 36.70A.040 (4)). Climate planning grants are available for the development of climate change and resiliency elements in local comprehensive planning. Funding is available under a formula with priority for the…
With renewed funding from this year’s legislative session, the CHIP program will open for a new round of funding on August 1, 2023. CHIP supports housing affordability by paying for water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure for new housing projects where at least 25% of the units are affordable to occupants at or below 80% area median income. Details and program guidelines can be found on the CHIP program website, which…