Draft Intermediate Climate Element Planning Guidance – Comment Period

Commerce seeks public comments on its climate element planning guidance.

The Washington Department of Commerce is seeking public comments on its draft intermediate climate planning guidance (PDF) for developing a comprehensive plan climate element.

Commerce will provide an open comment period starting Oct. 23 through Nov. 20 for the public to review and comment on the draft intermediate guidance. Per HB 1181 (2023), Commerce must publish “intermediate” guidance by the end of 2023. Please submit written comments to gmsclimate@commerce.wa.gov by Monday, Nov. 20, 2023 at 5 PM. You can learn more about our draft climate guidance and access additional resources on our climate program webpage.

In the last two months, Commerce has held two workshops on climate requirements for periodic updates under the Growth Management Act (GMA). You can review the information shared at those workshops here on our periodic update webpage.