- Watch the TVW.org livestream on Oct. 2, 2024
- Oct 2, 2024 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., via Zoom
- Access EV Council Meeting Materials (on Box) – Meeting materials will be posted prior to the upcoming meeting
- Register for the EV Council Meeting (on Zoom)
Author: Scott Varga
Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebates Program
Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Rebates program is pleased to announce we have submitted Washington State’s funding applications to the Department of Energy (DOE) for the Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) and Whole Home Efficiency Rebates (HOMES).
The HEAR and HOMES programs applied for over $165 million to fund rebates for low to moderate-income Washington households to help pay for energy-efficient appliances and energy-saving retrofits for their homes. Washingtonians living in multifamily dwellings are also eligible for rebates.
Energy retrofits may cover
- Electric wiring
- Electric panel upgrade
- Insulation
- Air sealing
- Ventilation
- Appliances
- Heat pumps
- General weatherization measures
Energy-efficient appliance rebates may cover
- Heat pumps for HVAC
- Heat pump water heaters
- Induction stoves
- Heat pump dryers
The application is a multiphase effort for states. Washington anticipates completing the final application phase in the fall of this year. Commerce is designing outreach efforts which include public webinars to educate Washington State residents.
Subscribe for program updates and to receive notifications for upcoming webinars. For more information, please email HomeRebates@Commerce.wa.gov
June 2024 Transportation Electrification Open Funding Opportunities
US DOE – Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
- Qualifying Applicants– Manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles that achieve defined fuel economy targets, and manufacturers of components or materials that support eligible vehicles’ fuel economy performance.
- Qualifying Projects– Must 1) manufacture eligible vehicles or components that are used in eligible vehicles, 2) build new facilities; reequip, modernize, or expand existing facilities; and/or for engineering integration performed in the US related to the manufacturing of eligible vehicles or components, 3) be located in the US, 4) provide reasonable prospect of repayment.
- Total Funding Amount– $10 Billion
- Application Due Date– Rolling applications
NREL – Clean Bus Planning Awards
- Qualifying Applicants – State and local government entities providing bus service; private school fleets with and active contractual agreement to serve a public school district; nonprofit school transportation associations; tribes, tribal organizations, or tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a BIA funded school; direct or designated recipients of FTA grants, including state and local governmental authorities, and tribes.
- Award Goals – Connect transit and school bus fleets with technical experts to support planning for bus electrification.
- Assistance Provided – Existing fleet baseline analysis, vehicle electrification feasibility analysis, infrastructure assessment and optimization strategy, procurement and project staging, financial analysis, emissions modeling, stakeholder analysis, workforce considerations, and recommended next steps.
- Application Due Date – Opened February 20, 2024, taking rolling applications.
US DOE – VTO FY 2024 Research & Development Funding Opportunity Announcement
- Qualifying Applicants – Institutions of higher education, for profit entities, nonprofit entities, and state and local government entities and federally recognized Indian Tribes.
- Qualifying Projects – The following topic areas: 1) next-generation phosphate based cathodes; 2) advancing the state of the art for sodium-ion batteries; 3) developing concepts for decreasing GHG emissions from off-road vehicles such as construction, agriculture, mining, and forestry vehicles; 4) developing and deploying vehicle-to-everything technologies that can lead to meaningful savings at the vehicle and transportation system level; 5) developing high-performance, domestically produced electrical steels for use in electrified powertrains; and 6) addressing critical cybersecurity needs for smart and secure electric vehicle charging.
- Total Funding Amounts – $45.8 Million
- Application Due Date – June 24, 2024
US DOE and JOET – Communities Taking Charge Accelerator
- Qualifying Applicants – Institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, State and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes
- Qualifying Projects – Projects 1) solving for no-home charging: expanding charging access for privately owned e-mobility; 2) expanding e-mobility solutions through electrified micro, light and medium-duty fleets; and 3) managed charging for clean reliable energy
- Total Funding Amount – $54 Million
- Application Due Date – July 16, 2024
US EPA – Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program
- Qualifying Applicants – States, including U.S. territories; municipalities, including public school districts; Indian Tribes; and nonprofit school transportation associations.
- Qualifying Projects – To support zero-emission vehicle adoption and deployment, funding may also be used for: 1) zero-emission vehicle refueling infrastructure; 2) workforce development and training; and 3) project implementation costs.
- Total Funding Amount – $932 Million
- Application Due Date – July 25, 2024 at 11:59PM ET
WA State Department of Ecology – Ecology’s Zero Emission School Bus Grant Program 2023-2025
- Qualifying Applicants – School bus owners that transport students to K-12 schools overseen by the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Qualifying Projects – Scrap and replace diesel school buses owned by the applicant with zero emission school buses, including fueling and charging infrastructure.
- Total Funding Amount – $20 Million
- Application Due Date – August 15, 2024
US DOT – Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Opportunity
- Qualifying Applicants – State or political subdivision of a State; metropolitan planning organization; unit of local government; special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, including a port authority; Indian Tribe; territory of the United States; an authority, agency, or instrumentality of, or an entity owned by, 1 or more entities as listed above; a group of entities listed above; and a State or local authority with ownership of publicly accessible transportation facilities.
- Qualifying Projects – Projects reducing greenhouse gas emissions and expanding or filling gaps in access to charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, and projects supporting buildout of charging or alternative fueling infrastructure along designated AFCs.
- Total Funding Amount – $1.3 Billion
- Application Due Date – August 28, 2024 by 11:59PM EST
US SCEP – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
- Qualifying Applicants – States, local governments, and Indian tribes.
- Qualifying Projects – Reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and, to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities. Reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities. Improve energy efficiency in the transportation sector, the building sector, and other appropriate sectors. Build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities. Including programs for financing zero-emission transportation (and associated infrastructure)
- Total Funding Amount – $430 Million
- Application Due Date – For local governments-October 31, 2024. For Tribes-May 31, 2025
US EPA – IRA Community Change Grants Program
- Qualifying Applicants– Partnerships between two community-based non-profit organizations, and a partnership between a community-based non-profit organization and one of the following: a Federally-Recognized Tribe, a local government, or an institution of higher education.
- Qualifying Projects– Investments in low- and zero-emission and resilient technologies and related infrastructure with a focus to benefit disadvantaged communities.
- Total Funding Amount– $2 Billion
- Application Due Date– November 21, 2024 by 11:59PM ET
May 2024 Transportation Electrification Open Funding Opportunities
- May 30, 2024
- Clean Transportation, Electrification of Transportation Systems, EV Council, Upcoming Opportunities
US DOE – Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program
- Qualifying Applicants– Manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles that achieve defined fuel economy targets, and manufacturers of components or materials that support eligible vehicles’ fuel economy performance.
- Qualifying Projects– Must 1) manufacture eligible vehicles or components that are used in eligible vehicles, 2) build new facilities; reequip, modernize, or expand existing facilities; and/or for engineering integration performed in the US related to the manufacturing of eligible vehicles or components, 3) be located in the US, 4) provide reasonable prospect of repayment.
- Total Funding Amount– $10 Billion
- Application Due Date– Rolling applications
NREL – Clean Bus Planning Awards
- Qualifying Applicants – State and local government entities providing bus service; private school fleets with and active contractual agreement to serve a public school district; nonprofit school transportation associations; tribes, tribal organizations, or tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a BIA funded school; direct or designated recipients of FTA grants, including state and local governmental authorities, and tribes.
- Award Goals – Connect transit and school bus fleets with technical experts to support planning for bus electrification.
- Assistance Provided – Existing fleet baseline analysis, vehicle electrification feasibility analysis, infrastructure assessment and optimization strategy, procurement and project staging, financial analysis, emissions modeling, stakeholder analysis, workforce considerations, and recommended next steps.
- Application Due Date – Opened February 20, 2024, taking rolling applications.
US DOE – Renew America’s Schools
- Qualifying Applicants – Eligible entity is describes as a consortium of one local educational agency AND one or more of the following: 1)schools; 2) nonprofit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements; 3)for-profit organizations that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements; or 4)community partners that have the knowledge and capacity to partner and assist with energy improvements. The proposed prime recipient and subrecipient(s) must be domestic entities.
- Qualifying Projects – Eligible projects include energy infrastructure improvements that reduce building operating costs. Funding is also available for alternative fueled vehicles and alternative fueled vehicle infrastructure.
- Total Funding Amount – $180 Million
- Application Due Date – June 13, 2024 by 5PM ET
- Qualifying Applicants – For the Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program eligible applicants are any eligible recipients of Section 5307 or Section 5311 funding.
- Qualifying Projects – The Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program provides funding for projects that support the purchase of electric or low-emitting ferries and the electrification of or other reduction emissions from existing ferries.
- Total Funding Amount – $316 Million, with $49 Million of that for the Electric or Low-Emitting Ferry Pilot Program
- Application Due Date – June 17, 2024 by 11:59PM ET
US DOE – VTO FY 2024 Research & Development Funding Opportunity Announcement
- Qualifying Applicants – Institutions of higher education, for profit entities, nonprofit entities, and state and local government entities and federally recognized Indian Tribes.
- Qualifying Projects – The following topic areas: 1) next-generation phosphate based cathodes; 2) advancing the state of the art for sodium-ion batteries; 3) developing concepts for decreasing GHG emissions from off-road vehicles such as construction, agriculture, mining, and forestry vehicles; 4) developing and deploying vehicle-to-everything technologies that can lead to meaningful savings at the vehicle and transportation system level; 5) developing high-performance, domestically produced electrical steels for use in electrified powertrains; and 6) addressing critical cybersecurity needs for smart and secure electric vehicle charging.
- Total Funding Amounts – $45.8 Million
- Application Due Date – June 24, 2024
US DOE and JOET – Communities Taking Charge Accelerator
- Qualifying Applicants – Institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, State and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes
- Qualifying Projects – Projects 1) solving for no-home charging: expanding charging access for privately owned e-mobility; 2) expanding e-mobility solutions through electrified micro, light and medium-duty fleets; and 3) managed charging for clean reliable energy
- Total Funding Amount – $54 Million
- Application Due Date – July 16, 2024
US EPA – Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program
- Qualifying Applicants – States, including U.S. territories; municipalities, including public school districts; Indian Tribes; and nonprofit school transportation associations.
- Qualifying Projects – To support zero-emission vehicle adoption and deployment, funding may also be used for: 1) zero-emission vehicle refueling infrastructure; 2) workforce development and training; and 3) project implementation costs.
- Total Funding Amount – $932 Million
- Application Due Date – July 25, 2024 at 11:59PM ET
US SCEP – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
- Qualifying Applicants – States, local governments, and Indian tribes.
- Qualifying Projects – Reduce fossil fuel emissions in a manner that is environmentally sustainable and, to the maximum extent practicable, maximizes benefits for local and regional communities. Reduce the total energy use of the eligible entities. Improve energy efficiency in the transportation sector, the building sector, and other appropriate sectors. Build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes disadvantaged communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities. Including programs for financing zero-emission transportation (and associated infrastructure)
- Total Funding Amount – $430 Million
- Application Due Date – October 31, 2024
US EPA – IRA Community Change Grants Program
- Qualifying Applicants– Partnerships between two community-based non-profit organizations, and a partnership between a community-based non-profit organization and one of the following: a Federally-Recognized Tribe, a local government, or an institution of higher education.
- Qualifying Projects– Investments in low- and zero-emission and resilient technologies and related infrastructure with a focus to benefit disadvantaged communities.
- Total Funding Amount– $2 Billion
- Application Due Date– November 21, 2024 by 11:59PM ET
Request for Applications – Community Reinvestment Financial Coaching and Mentorship Grant Project
The Washington State Department of Commerce is initiating this Request for Applications to solicit proposals from those qualified and interested in grant funding for the Financial Coaching and Mentorship project to invest in communities disproportionately harmed by the historical design and enforcement of state and federal criminal laws and penalties for drug possession, including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, and Latino individuals and families.
The Financial Coaching and Mentorship project will provide $10 million in grants for community organizations and financial institutions to hire 45 to 50 full-time employees for two years. Each grant may not exceed $450,000.
Customer Reference #: S24-35501FC
Download RFA No. S24-35501FC Exhibits + Financial Coaching and Mentorship 12/12/2023. This PDF version of the RFA contains all updates from addendums A, B and C.
- Amended RFA No. S24-35501FC (PDF), updated Dec. 21, 2023.
- Amended RFA Exhibits (Word), updated Dec. 21, 2023
- Question and Answer Period: November 1, 2023 – December 26, 2023
- Community Reinvestment FCM RFA Q&A Summary (PDF), updated Jan. 2, 2024
- Pre-Proposal Webinar PPY Slides 12.11.23.pdf
- Pre-Prospal Webinar Recording – 12/11/2023
- Passcode:*krJW?Z7
- Application Due Date: January 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. PT
- Point of Contact: RFA Coordinator, Sherina James, Sherina.James@Commerce.wa.gov,
Community Reinvestment Plan Fact Sheet (PDF)
Community Reinvestment Plan Report (PDF)
$5 million available for the preservation of affordable multifamily housing
Funding is available for projects not in the housing trust fund portfolio and is at risk of losing affordability due to expiration of use restrictions
The Washington State Department of Commerce is committed to building communities by preserving affordable multifamily housing in our state. Commerce is making $5 million in state funds to projects at risk of losing affordability as part of its ongoing mission.
These projects provide critical housing to some of Washington’s most vulnerable populations. Preservation of existing affordable housing is a critical part of the Multifamily Housing Unit’s vision to make conditions in our state for affordable housing residents the best in the nation, addressing the affordable housing crisis and reducing homelessness in permanent and sustainable ways.
Applications are due to commerce by noon on January 3rd.
Questions or requests for additional information about this NOFA or the application materials must be submitted before December 19th to htfapp@commerce.wa.gov. Please indicate in the subject line that the request pertains to the Continuing Affordability NOFA #MHU-2023-05.
You can always find the latest information on available funding for affordable housing on the Applying to the Housing Trust Fund page.
Matching grants available for federal broadband infrastructure financing opportunities
Important funding updates from the Washington State Broadband Office
Matching Grant application changes
There is approximately $ 25 million set-aside for Matching Grant applications. This is an “open cycle” on a first come, first serve basis, until funds are exhausted. There is a maximum $5 million dollar million or 25 percent of the federal grant amount sought, whichever is less.
Eligible projects: eligible entities applying for federal broadband infrastructure funding. Examples include, but are not limited to, funding opportunities by:
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
- USDA ReConnect
- Economic Development Administration
Awards for matching funds are contingent upon the applicant successfully securing the federal grant award sought.
WSBO Matching Grants for federal funding applications can be submitted anytime, until funds are exhausted.
Eligible applicants:
Local governments
Federally recognized Tribes
Nonprofit organizations and nonprofit cooperative organizations
Public-private partnerships
Learn more and apply for WSBO Matching funds via ZoomGrants
WSBO 21-23 Matching Guidelines
Limited grant writing resources available
The Washington State Broadband Office has limited resources available to assist applicants seeking federal broadband funding, with priority given to applicants with low or no organizational capacity for grant writing and who are seeking ReConnect funding with state matching grants.
Please contact the Broadband Office no later than Friday, Nov. 19 with a description of the proposed project area and a visual representation such as a GIS Shapefile (.shp).
Projects that have received funding from our partners at the Public Works Board or the Community Economic Revitalization Board for a related project are encouraged to contact us to discuss grant writing options.
Questions? Please contact us at wsbo@commerce.wa.gov