Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund

Brownfields RLF provide low interest loans to local governments, non-profits, tribes, ports, and private businesses undertaking clean-up of contaminated properties. The loans provided through the Brownfields RLF Program fund the remediation required for cleanup on sites to support redevelopment.

Available Funding

The Washington State Department of Commerce has been capitalized by a U.S. EPA Brownfields RLF Grant funding. As required by the grant cooperative agreement the grant is allocated for cleanup of petroleum substances and hazardous substances.

What is a Brownfield?

A brownfield is defined by the EPA as a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. The Brownfields RLF further defines a brownfield by including the following:

  • Real properties that may be abandoned, inactive, or not operated at their appropriate use,
  • The presence of petroleum or a petroleum product, and
  • The presence or potential presence of a release of the aforementioned substances pose a risk to human health and the environment.

Goals of the Brownfield RLF program

Many sites in state have actual or perceived environmental contamination and are often abandoned or underutilized. The presence of contamination along with the risks and cost associated with addressing contamination can be a significant barrier to redevelopment. The goals of the Brownfields RLF Program include the following:

  • Cleanup and redevelopment of sites
  • Safety and Health
  • Improved environmental quality
  • Creation of new jobs at and around the sites

Historic Investment in Brownfields

2022 is the year to take your community to the next level with unprecedented financial and technical resources. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law included an unprecedented $1.5 billion investment in EPA’s Brownfields program over the next two years. Visit the EPA website to learn more about the historic investments being made in brownfields.

Brownfields Links

Washington State Partners

Washington’s Department of Ecology
The Department of Ecology provides the services of its qualified environmental professions through its Ecology Voluntary Cleanup Program. 


Bridget Paris, Program Manager
Phone: 360-870-9288