Total requests from 86 applications far exceed available state and federal funding.

The Washington State Department of Commerce today publicly announced 27 state and federal funding awards that will help finance affordable housing construction and rehabilitation in 12 counties in Washington, culminating in 1,282 units of affordable housing. These awards will supplement funding from sources such as cities, counties, traditional bank loans, and low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs).
“The Washington Legislature made a historic investment in the Housing Trust Fund in the 2023-2025 Capital Budget that is growing the capacity of our housing partners ready to deliver thousands of new affordable housing units across every region of the state,” said Commerce Director Joe Nguyen. “Housing affordability and availability, especially for some of our most vulnerable communities, is an ongoing challenge, and remains a top priority for our work with the Legislature, local governments and affordable housing developers and service providers.”
These awards represent a rigorous evaluation process in which the most impactful of 86 applications were recommended for funding. Applications for funding were submitted by community-based organizations, nonprofit housing assistance organizations, tribes, local housing authorities, and local governments in response to two separate solicitations. Applicants represent a wide range of communities in all 39 Washington counties.
Total requests for funding from state and federal sources topped $355 million.
Twenty-two of the awards are funded with state dollars, and the remaining five are funded with federal dollars. These applications were submitted to respond to two Notice of Funding Availabilities (NOFAs) released in June 2024: HTF-MFR NOFA #MHU-2024-02 and HOME & NHTF NOFA #MHU-2024-03.
These funds, once awarded, will allow award recipients to develop affordable housing for some our most resilient Washingtonians, prioritizing those who earn 30% or less of the area median income in some cases. Future residents of these buildings may include those with intellectual or development disabilities, seniors, veterans, families with dependent children, those affected by medical challenges, and adults impacted by structural forces like poverty and racism.
Affordable housing funding opportunities are released multiple times per year on the Multifamily Rental Housing webpage and the Commerce Contracting webpage.