Public Works Board – Board Members, Meetings, and Staff

Board Information


The Public Works Board is an infrastructure funder supporting eligible applicants in the care and maintenance of seven infrastructure systems. These systems are roads and bridges, drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, recycling and organics, and broadband. These systems are funded through the Traditional Programs and Broadband Programs.


The mission of the Public Works Board is to empower Washington communities to build and maintain sustainable infrastructure.


There are three funding programs under Traditional PWB and two under Broadband PWB.

Traditional PWB offers pre-construction, construction and emergency loans and grants to qualifying local governments, which are cities, counties, and special purpose districts. Learn more on our Traditional Programs page.

Broadband PWB offers construction and emergency loans and grants to qualifying applicants, which include local governments and special purpose districts as well as public port districts, tribes, incorporated business or partnerships. Learn more on our Broadband Programs page

The Public Works Board is a Category 3 Policy Board. The Board derives its authority from the Washington State Legislature. It is encoded into law in the Revised Code of Washington RCW 43.155. The associated WAC is Title 399.

The Governor of the State of Washington appoints thirteen Public Works Board members for four-year terms. Three represent counties, three represent cities, three represent special purpose districts, and four are from the private sector. Visit the Governor’s Boards & Commissions webpage for more information.

Members meet every month to review applications for financing and deal with administrative issues. The Board conducts a two-day policy retreat in the fall.

Members are encouraged to attend workshops, conferences, and meetings on behalf of the Board. Often members are part of discussion panels at these meetings. Members are also offered opportunities to attend training courses that deal with infrastructure issues.

Board Member Roster and Vacancies

  • Kathryn Gardow, PE – Chair – Position #13, General Public
  • Gary Rowe, PE – Vice-Chair – Position #12, General Public
  • The Honorable Dr. Jeralee Anderson, PE – Position #2, City Elected Official
  • Justin Clary, PE – Position #8, Water & Sewer District
  • The Honorable Jerome Delvin – Position #5, County Elected Official
  • Rob Jammerman – Position #3, City Public Works Director
  • Darlene McHenry – Position #10, General Public
  • The Honorable Lora Petso – Position #7, Water & Sewer District Elected Official
  • Monica Santos-Pinacho – Position #11, General Public
  • Kelly Snyder, MPA – Position #6, County Public Works Director
  • The Honorable Ed Stern – Position #1, City Elected Official
  • Matthew Stevie – Position #9, Public Utility District
  • The Honorable Sharon Trask – Position #4, County Elected Official

At present there are no vacant board seats. Interested applicants should contact the Board Liaison Izabela Kocan for more information.

Meeting Information

Board meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome to attend. Meetings are held in hybrid format, both in-person and online. Please check the 2024 PWB Meeting Schedule for connection information and meeting times.

Staff Information

Policy support, administrative support, and client outreach are provided for the Public Works Board by the Washington State Department of Commerce.



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