在 Commerce 尋找特別的東西? 我們已將計劃拆分為以下核心部門,或選擇“所有計劃”以按字母順序查看所有可用商業計劃清單。
Asset Building Program
The Asset Building Program offers start-up support and free consultation for communities interested in building assets across Washington.
Behavioral Health Facilities Program
Our grants establish new behavioral health service capacity in communities through acquisition, renovation, or new construction of real property.
Broadband Resources and Funding
Three agencies provide funding for broadband. Learn more about each agency's role and funding cycles.
Building Communities Fund Program
State grants are available to nonprofit, community-based organizations to defray eligible capital costs to acquire, construct, renovate or rehabilitate nonresidential community and social service centers.
Building for the Arts Program
Since 1991, the state has awarded award grants to nonprofit performing arts, art museum and cultural organizations.
Civilian-Military Land Use Compatibility
Growth Management Services supports civilian-military communication in local planning as a critical means of identifying community and military interests in future land-use development.
Clearinghouse on Human Trafficking
The Washington State Clearinghouse on Human Trafficking provides information on statewide efforts to combat trafficking and resources for victims and survivors. Its primary goal is to share and coordinate statewide efforts to combat human trafficking.
Climate Planning
This page provides planning guidance, grants and other resources for developing a climate element that mitigates greenhouse gas emissions and builds community resilience.
Collaborative Roadmap
The Collaborative Roadmap is a multi-year research and analysis project led by Commerce as directed by the Legislature to make recommendations to update the state's growth policy framework.
Community Economic Opportunities
Obstacles to self-sufficiency come in many different forms, but one thing is universally true: when we pull together to help those most in need, our communities are stronger, and that provides greater economic opportunity for all.
Community Reinvestment Project (CRP)
The Community Reinvestment Project (CRP) is a community-designed plan to uplift communities disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs.
Crime Victim Resource Directory
The Crime Victim Resource Directory provides information on the victim services currently funded by the Office of Crime Victim Advocacy. Please use this directory to find relevant, local victim services.
Crime Victims Advocacy
The Office of Crime Victims Advocacy (OCVA) serves as a voice within government for the needs of crime victims in Washington. We envision a future where all people have access to support, healing, and the ability to reach their full potential; where all people experience autonomy, dignity, freedom of identity and expression, and safety in their homes and communities.
Crime Victims Grants and Funding
Commerce’s Office of Crime Victims Advocacy provides direct and competitive grants to organizations across Washington state providing services to survivors and victims of crime.
Disabilities Workgroup
The Disabilities Workgroup supports the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program and the Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF) Governing Boards.
Early Learning Facilities Program
The Early Learning Facilities program supports Washington's commitment to develop additional high quality early learning opportunities for children from low-income households.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low-to-moderate income workers and families get a tax break. Many people in Washington are eligible for EITC, and this credit is potentially worth thousands of dollars.
Economic development with CRP
CRP's economic development program is repairing wealth disparities in communities disproportionally harmed by the war on drugs. This includes creating opportunities for individuals and families to buy homes, save money, receive financial education, training and grants for small businesses.
Energy Independence Act (EIA)
The Energy Independence Act (EIA or I-937) requires electric utilities serving at least 25,000 retail customers to use renewable energy and energy conservation.
Energy Policy, Standards and Reports
State energy policies, standards, and reports are essential tools for managing and guiding the production, distribution and consumption of energy for the state.
Growth Management
Growth Management Services (GMS) serves to assist and guide local governments, state agencies, and others to manage growth and development, consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA).
Lead-Based Paint
The Department of Commerce regulates certification, accreditation, enforcement and compliance for firms and individuals who must use lead-safe work practices. Lead-safe work practices are required when working on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities.
Lead-Based Paint Activities Program (LBP)
Lead-based Paint activities primarily involve the abatement of lead-based paint (LBP).
Lead-Based Paint Training and Certification
To offer work on pre-1978 residential or child-occupied facilities, a firm must be certified by Commerce's Lead-based Paint Program.
Legal Aid for Immigrants
Commerce supports legal aid providers for low-income immigrants who are at the most risk of harm.
Legal Assistance with CRP
CRP is funding civil and criminal legal assistance to provide post-conviction relief and case assistance for communities disproportionally harmed by the war on drugs.
Library Capital Improvement Program
The Library Capital Improvement Program was created by the Legislature in their 2019 Regular Session to assist libraries operated by governmental units to acquire, construct, or rehabilitate their facilities.
Local Government Portal
This page outlines funding programs, training, and technical assistance services to help your community grow.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP aims to help low-income households in Washington receive affordable, dependable utility services and avoid disconnection.
Outreach Grants
Commerce is strengthening communities across Washington by providing grants to community-based organizations with experience and cultural skills to enroll people historically excluded from state and federal social services.
Periodic Update
This page is dedicated to the Growth Management Act Periodic Update. We post checklists, guidance documents and other GMA related support materials here on a regular basis to help local governments with their reviews
Planning for Middle Housing
This page provides guidance, model ordinances and other resources to assist local jurisdictions in developing middle housing regulations for their communities.
Puget Sound Mapping Project
The Puget Sound Mapping Project provides a mapping tool for regional and local governments that shows growth patterns around the Puget Sound Region using consistent methods across cities and counties.
Reentry Services with CRP
Reentry services are proven to increase the likelihood of successful reentry for individuals who are transitioning from incarceration back into their communities.
Renovation, Repair and Painting Program (RRP)
The Renovation, Repair and Painting Program (RRP) aims to minimize exposure to lead-based paint dust during renovation, repair, or painting activities.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) capitalizes on Washington’s senior population’s skills and energy for community improvements.
Sexual Assault Response Best Practices
The Office of Crime Victims Advocacy created two documents to assist communities with accessing nurses who serve sexual assault victims.
Short Course on Local Planning
The Short Course on Local Planning offers an overview of land use planning laws in Washington, an introduction to comprehensive planning and plan implementation under the Growth Management Act (GMA), a review of roles in planning, and mandatory training on the Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act for local government officials. All courses are offered at no charge and are open to the public.
Solar for All Funding
Solar for All grant funding to make solar energy accessible to income-qualified Washingtonians.
Special Initiatives
The Special Initiatives Unit implements new legislative priorities to ensure everyone in Washington has access to safety, belonging, and the basic resources needed to thrive.
State Home Energy Assistance Program (SHEAP)
State Home Energy Assistance Program (SHEAP) helps people in Washington pay their utility bills and move to low-to-no carbon heating and cooling options.
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) is a market-based mechanism that encourages the voluntary transfer of growth from areas a community wants to conserve to urban areas where growth should be encouraged, consistent with GMA goals.
Violence prevention with CRP
The Legislature identified violence reduction as one program area to focus Community Reinvestment funding, specifically focusing on “community-based violence intervention and prevention services.”
WA Statewide Human Trafficking Task Forces
In Washington state, there are three tasks forces that are working to identify the resources needed to address human trafficking. This includes looking at services, public policy, and the ways that the various systems and supportive services are working together.
Washington Statewide Reentry Council
The Washington Statewide Reentry Council advocates for Washington state laws, investments, and attitudes that improve reentry outcomes, increase public safety and build systems that are more humane and restorative.
WorkFirst Commerce
Commerce WorkFirst is Washington state’s welfare reform program designed to help Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) participants become self-sufficient.
Youth Recreational Facilities Program
State grants are available to nonprofit organizations to help defray eligible capital costs for acquisition, construction and renovation of nonresidential youth recreation facilities.