Our Choose Washington delegation wrapped up its business in Hamburg at the Aircraft Interiors Expo, or AIX as it is known, with a third successful day of meetings. Among the 14 companies exhibiting in the Washington booth this year was first-time participant Rick Taylor with Altek.“I had a great day today, I had many good meetings just approaching some of the large booths. Hopefully they will evolve into great opportunities. After seeing this show firsthand and meeting new potential partners, I plan to come back with Washington state bigger and better,” Taylor said.
Veteran delegate Julian Sharpe with IDEA International said, “AIX 2019 was a really good event! I had more than 10 meetings per day which already generated five opportunities.”
Commerce helps small and medium-sized companies reach global partners and business opportunities through our trade and export assistance programs. Exhibiting at large international trade shows as a state delegation is one way to increase visibility and connect with potential customers and investors. Commerce not only provides eye-catching presence in prime locations at these shows, but also lends support such as business-to-business matchmaking and multiplier events with large international companies and trade associations. To learn more about Commerce export assistance and other business business services, visit us online or contact one of our trade specialists.