US Department of Energy Awards

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer awards have been announced for 2018 Phase 1, Release 2.

Congratulations to the following grantees:

Molecule Works, Inc., Richland WA (Concentration and Dewatering of micro-algae cultures with high throughput ceramic membranes.)

Artesion, Inc., Federal Way WA (Development of an Environmentally acceptable Hydraulic Fluid.)

Clearsign Combustion Corp., Seattle WA (Low Temperature Plasma Flame Stabilization in a Porous Ceramic Medium.)

CTFusion, LLC, Seattle WA (Advanced feedback control of AC plasmas)

Eagle Harbor Technologies, Inc., Seattle (2 projects—Solid-State Klystron Driver for Lower Hybrid Current Drive and A Cuk Converter for Validation Platform Experiments)

Ralph B. Fiorito, Shoreline WA (Novel Bunch Length Diagnostic)

Congratulations to Oscilla Power, Inc. of Seattle, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office has awarded funding for an Advanced Linear Hybrid Power Take-Off for Wave Energy Conversion. They are also grantees under WA State Clean Energy Fund for a community-scale wave energy converter.