Commerce is getting the word out on comprehensive planning


In late January, Clark County invited the managing director of Growth Management Services, Dave Andersen, to their comprehensive plan update kick-off meeting. Check out Dave’s 40-minute presentation on what to expect.

In late January, Clark County invited the managing director of Growth Management Services, Dave Andersen, to their comprehensive plan update kick-off meeting. Check out Dave’s 40-minute presentation on what to expect, and what to focus on as Clark County takes a look at the next 20 years of community development. Some of the topics covered in the video are:

  • Changes in law concerning housing
  • The updated comprehensive planning schedule
  • How to conduct effective planning in Washington state

The message was loud and clear, and it was repeated by the audience in a recent write-up by Miller Nash law firm. Clark County’s process (2025 Update | Clark County ( can now be reviewed, and they are seeking community feedback.

Commerce is looking for more opportunities to support and engage with local governments as counties and cities across the state begin or continue their planning updates. With the Puget Sound Regional Council already providing guidance to communities in their region, it’s a good time to review your community’s due date on the comprehensive planning schedule (PDF). Remember, Commerce is here to help.


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