Ka shaqaynta sidii guri ammaan ah oo la awoodi karo loo heli lahaa dhammaan. Washington waxaa ka go’an inay aragto guryo ammaan ah, hufan oo la awoodi karo dhammaan dadka deggan. Waaxda ganacsigu waxay siisaa qalab dawladaha hoose, kuwa aan faa’iido doonka ahayn iyo wakaaladaha waxqabadka bulshada si loo hubiyo in qof walba la dejiyo bulshadooda. Taageeradayadu waxay u dhaxaysaa maalgelinta raasumaalka si loo dhiso loona ilaaliyo kaydka guryaha la awoodi karo iyo barnaamijyada ka hortagaya qoysaska inay noqdaan guri la’aan.
Unugyada Guryaha
Commerce’s Homeownership Unit works to create and maintain strong, sustainable, inclusive communities through homeownership opportunities. Department of Commerce support ranges from capital funding to build […]
Homelessness Response
In Washington, the response to homelessness consists of federal, state-wide, and local efforts. Commerce provides a framework to ensure alignment of the various initiatives at […]
Multifamily Rental Housing
The Washington State Department of Commerce is committed to creating and preserving affordable housing for Washingtonians of all backgrounds. Washington, like many other states, has […]
Permanent Supportive Housing
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness stated that Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is an intervention for people who need housing assistance and supportive housing […]
Housing Data and Systems Performance
The Housing Division’s Data and Performance Unit collects and analyzes data to evaluate the effectiveness of housing and homeless services, and to help prevent and end […]