Qaybta Dawladaha Hoose ee Ganacsiga (LGD) waxa loo dhisay inay fahanto oo ay taageerto baahiyaha kala duwan ee hogaamiyayaasha deegaanka iyo bulshada. LGD waxay siisaa kaalmo maaliyadeed iyo mid farsamo ugu horrayn dawladaha hoose, laakiin sidoo kale waxay taageertaa kuwa aan faa’iido doonka ahayn, ururada bulshada, iyo qabaa’ilka. Maalgelinta raasamaalku waa rooti iyo subaggeena. Bootfooliyadayada barnaamijyadu waxay u dhexeeyaan ballaaran iyo kaabayaasha kale ee dadweynaha ilaa bulshada iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha, qorsheynta koboc waara, caafimaadka dabeecadda, waxbarashada hore iyo maalgelinta xarumaha kale ee bulshada. Waxaa jira dhinacyo yar oo bulshada ka mid ah oo LGD uusan is dhexgelin, kala duwanaanshuhuna waa xooggeenna.
Barnaamijyada Muuqda
Internet for All Initiative
The Washington State Broadband Office led a state planning process to develop a Five-Year Action Plan (PDF) and a State […]
Early Learning Facilities Program
Commerce will issue capital grants through a competitive process to K-12 school districts and eligible organizations to create additional early […]
Behavioral Health Facilities Program
These grants help pay for construction and equipment costs to support new or established behavioral health facilities, such as community […]
Periodic Update
This page is dedicated to the Growth Management Act Periodic Update. We post checklists, guidance documents and other GMA related […]
Climate Planning
This page provides planning guidance, grants and other resources for developing a climate element that mitigates greenhouse gas emissions and […]
Housing Planning
The Housing Planning page contains information on housing grants and guidance, as well as links to specific program pages.