The Clean Buildings Performance Standard (CBPS) is administered by the Clean Buildings Team at the Department of Commerce. CBPS consists of ASHRAE Standard 100-2018 and state amendments WAC 194-50. Fill out the request form to access the Clean Building Performance Standard (CBPS) integrated document (on Smartsheet). The integrated document is the reference used to meet compliance; however, the Clean Buildings Team drafted guides and tools to facilitate accurate interpretation of the CBPS.
Find active Tier 1 and Tier 2 guidance documents, flow charts, and tools in the table below. The Clean Buildings Team is in the process of updating guidance documents to reflect current rules (WAC 194-50). Guidance documents may be subject to change through future rulemaking. Check publish dates, as rules are revised.
# | Type | Title | Published | Keywords |
000 | FAQ | CBPS Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) | 1/27/2025 | Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ |
001 | Guidance Document | Tier 1- Meeting the EUIt (PDF) | Revised 01/02/2025 | Tier 1, compliance path, meeting the energy use intensity target, EUIt |
002 | Guidance Document | Tier 1- Compliance through the Investment Criteria (PDF) | Revised 6/12/2023 | Tier 1, compliance path, investment criteria |
003 | Guidance Document | Tier 1- Conditional Compliance (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier1, compliance path, conditional compliance |
004 | Guidance Document | Tier 1 Compliance through exemption (PDF) | Revised 9/25/2024 | Tier 1, compliance path, exemption |
005 | Technical Guidance | Tier 1- How to Determine the EUIt (PDF) | Revised 9/27/2024 | Tier 1, energy use intensity target, EUIt, building activity type |
006 | Technical Guidance | Technical Guidance for K12 Campuses (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | K12 schools, energy use intensity target, EUIt |
007 | Technical Guidance | Owner Provided Energy Meters (Submeters) (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | submetering, submeter, owner provided meters |
008 | Technical Guidance | Measuring Gross Floor Area (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | gross Floor Area, measuring |
009 | Fact Sheet | Clean Building Expansion Fact Sheet (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 2, Clean Buildings Expansion, fact sheet, requirements, incentive program, timeline |
010 | Flowchart | Tier 1- Compliance Paths (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 1, compliance path, flow chart |
011 | Flowchart | Tier 1- Compliance by meeting the EUIt (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 1, compliance, flowchart, energy use intensity target, EUIt |
012 | Flowchart | Tier 1 – Compliance through the Investment Criteria with a Measurable EUI (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 1, investment criteria, measurable energy use intensity, EUI |
013 | Flowchart | Compliance through the Investment Criteria without a Measurable EUI (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 1, compliance, investment criteria, without measurable energy use intensity, EUI |
014 | Flowchart | Tier 1 — Conditional compliance (PDF) | 9/13/2022 | Tier 1, compliance path, conditional compliance |
015 | Guidance Document | Tier 1- Penalties Estimator | 1/3/2024 | Tier 1, penalties |
016 | Compliance forms | Compliance form locations and descriptions (PDF) | Revised 12/21/23 | compliance forms, Form A, Form B, Form C, Form D, Form F, Form H, O&M Reporting Tool, EMP Reporting Tool |
017 | Guidance Document | Roles and Responsibilities (PDF) | Revised 7/15/2024 | roles, responsibilities, qualified person, energy auditor, qualified energy manager |
018 | Guidance Document | Building Activity Types, Definitions, Targets, and Shift Normalization (PDF) | Revised 9/26/2024 | Tier 1, Tier 2, energy use intensity target, calculator, EUIt, building activity type, Table 7-2a, definitions, shift normalization factor |
019 | Compliance Tool | Energy Use Intensity Target (EUIt) Calculator (Excel) | 5/30/2023 | energy use intensity target, calculator, EUIt, building activity type |
020 | Compliance Form | Investment Criteria Tool Form F (Excel) | Revised 7/17/2024 | Investment Criteria Tool, Form F, Life Cycle Analysis Tool |
021-A | Guidance Document | Exemption: Lack of Occupancy Certificate (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application, certificate of occupancy, Z4.1 |
021-B | Guidance Document | Exemption: Unoccupied Buildings (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application unoccupied, Z4.1 |
021-C | Guidance Document | Exemption: Conditioned Space Less than 50,000 Square Feet (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application, conditioned space, Z4.1 |
021-D | Guidance Document | Exemption: Manufacturing or Other Industrial Purposes (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application, manufacturing, industrial purposes, Z4.1 |
021-E | Guidance Document | Exemption: Agricultural Structures (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application, agricultural structures, Z4.1 |
021-F | Guidance Document | Exemption: Pending Demolition (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Exemption, application, pending demolition, Z4.1 |
021-G | Guidance Document | Exemption: Financial Hardship (PDF) | Revised 6/17/2024 | Property taxes arrears, lien sale list, court appointed, financial distress, financial institution, foreclosure, deed, default, senior mortgage, immediate, financial need |
022 | Reporting Tool | Energy Management Plan Reporting Tool (PDF) | 7/3/2023 | Energy Management Plan Reporting Tool, EMP |
023 | Reporting Tool | Operations and Maintenance Reporting Tool (PDF) | 7/3/2023 | Operations and Maintenance Reporting Tool, O&M |
024-A | Guidance Document | Tier 1 Early Compliance Application- Meeting the EUIt (PDF) | 12/13/2023 | Tier 1, Early Compliance Application, Meeting the EUIt, Forms |
024-B | Guidance Document | Tier 1 Early Compliance Application- Investment Criteria (PDF) | 12/13/2023 | Tier 1, Early Compliance Application, Investment Criteria, Forms |
025 | Guidance Document | Initial Access to the Clean Buildings Portal (PDF) | 03/11/2024 | Clean buildings portal, building owner, authorized representative, SAW Account, Tier 1, Tier2 |
026 | Guidance Document | Granting Shared Access (PDF) | 03/11/2024 | Clean buildings portal, Shared Access, Tier 1, Tier 2, building owner, authorized representative |
027 | Guidance Document | Benchmarking for the Clean Buildings Performance Standard (PDF) | 09/24/2024 | Tier 1, Tier 2, Energy Use Intensity, EUI, benchmarking, ESPM, Energy Start Portfolio Manager |
028 | Guidance Document | Tier 2 Compliance through exemption (PDF) | 09/25/2024 | Tier 2, compliance path, exemption |
029 | Guidance Document | Tier 2 — How to Determine the EUIt (PDF) | 09/25/2024 | Tier 2, energy use intensity target, EUIt, building activity type |
030 | Guidance Document | Tier 2- Compliance Requirements | 10/13/2024 | Tier 2, compliance requirements |
031 | Technical Guidance | Calculating Weekly Hours | 12/12/2024 | shift normalization factor, weekly hours, EUIt, EUI |
032 | Technical Guidance | Campus-Level Guidance | 12/12/2024 | campus level, nontarget buildings, EUIt, EUI, connected |
033 | Technical Guidance | Connected Buildings Guidance | 12/12/2024 | connected buildings, nontarget buildings, EUIt, EUI |
034 | Guidance Document | Condominium Guidance | 12/12/2024 | condo, condominium |