Public Works Board schedules public workshops on new broadband service access law

Stakeholder input from three rulemaking workshops in December will help state board set priorities for implementing Washington’s new broadband internet service access law.

OLYMPIA, WA — The Washington State Public Works Board will hold three public stakeholder workshops in December to discuss implementation of Washington’s new Broadband Internet Service Access law. Input from these workshops will help the board set priorities for its rulemaking work.

The Broadband Internet Service Access law (Second Substitute Senate Bill 5511) established minimum requirements for broadband internet access for businesses and residences throughout Washington. By 2028, all Washington businesses and residences will have access to at least one service provider with upload and download speeds of at least 150 megabits per second.

This legislation also created the Governor’s Statewide Broadband Office and a grant and loan program administered by the Public Works Board for financing broadband infrastructure projects.

Click the location to register for a workshop or visit the Public Works Board website for complete information. Registration is free.

The purpose of these workshops is to identify and prioritize issues that stakeholders believe should be addressed through administrative rules. Potential topics for rulemaking include, but are not limited to:

  • How should private/public partnership be defined?
  • How should unserved status be defined and documented?
  • How should affordability for low-income residents be determined?
  • What is an effective objections process?

When asked about the opportunities presented by these meetings, Public Works Board Chair Scott Hutsell said, “The Public Works Board is looking forward to engaging in this next step in the rulemaking process. The information gathered from these meetings will be vital to our development of a program that not only serves the intent of the legislation, but also the people of Washington state. A robust and well-planned program that considers and accounts for the diversity of needs is the only way to be truly successful.”

Public Works Board Contacts:

Shelley Westall, Public Works Board Broadband Program Director, (360) 725-3162

Jeff Takahashi, Public Works Board Broadband Program Manager, (360) 725-2708