Washington Commerce Director Brown, Oregon Energy Director Benner to lead board of public-private organization preparing regional bid for Dept. of Energy clean hydrogen hub
Seattle, Wash. — The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association (PNWH2) completed its formation with election of Washington Commerce Director Lisa Brown as chair and Oregon Department of Energy Director Janine Benner as vice chair of the board. PNWH2 is a non-profit, public-private partnership leading a regional effort to land a share of the US Department of Energy’s $8 billion investment in a nationwide network of clean hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs) under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Rounding out the PNWH2 Board leadership are Douglas County (Washington) PUD General Manager Gary Ivory, secretary, and Tacoma Power Director Jackie Flowers, treasurer.
Formed at the direction of the Washington State Legislature, PNWH2 is currently preparing a final call for projects for consideration in its proposal to DOE.

“We aim to lead the nation in demonstrating how to decarbonize the hardest-to-reach parts of the economy, such as heavy transportation, aviation, maritime and industrial operations, with green electrolytic hydrogen and our Pacific Northwest region’s incredible renewable electricity resources,” said Washington State Commerce Director and PNWH2 Board Chair Lisa Brown. “We understand how green hydrogen fits into a modern, decarbonized economy that is possible today – no other region is as advanced in this area.”

“I am honored to represent Oregon on the Board and offer ODOE’s expertise to help develop a competitive clean hydrogen hub opportunity for the Pacific Northwest,” said Oregon Department of Energy Director and PNWH2 Board Vice Chair Janine Benner. “This work will lay a foundation for this important decarbonization fuel in our region – one that can help us meet our mission to shape an equitable clean energy transition for Oregon and beyond.”
Neighboring Idaho is also represented on the PNWH2 Advisory Committee by George Lynch, Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Last call for project proposals
The 18-member PNWH2 Board is spearheading work to develop a single, potent concept paper to DOE. A final request for information for individual project proposals is opening in early September. The RFI will be posted on Washington’s Electronic Business Solutions (WEBS) portal. More Information is available on the PNWH2 website and by emailing info@pnwh2.com.
“We are excited to be playing a role in decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries in the Pacific Northwest using green electrolytic hydrogen. For example, our proposed project in Centralia would utilize former coal infrastructure for green hydrogen, creating employment transition pathways for workers as well as creating new, well-paying jobs in associated green industries,” said board member Alan Krause, Fortescue future Industries.
Involving all stakeholders in the coming clean hydrogen economy is a top priority for PNWH2, including participation from communities, public entities, private industry, labor, research, workforce development, investor-owned and public utilities and tribal nations.
“The Cowlitz Indian Tribe is proud to stand with the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association as we pursue the collective work of building a green hydrogen economy,” said Cowlitz Tribal COO Kent Caputo. “Our region enjoys significant strategic advantages to guild a competitive hydrogen hub, including centuries of tribal stewardship and connection to our land, water, and all living things. PNWH2 provides a significant opportunity for our region to lead at a global level in decarbonizing our economy.”
“The ILWU is pleased to be participating in this process with PNWH2 to bring alternative energy sources to the region that be applied to marine terminal operating equipment, waterborne vessels or other aspects of the marine environment” said board member Dan McKisson, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Washington Area District Council President. “Having clean, sustainable, resilient energy is crucial to the movement of cargo and associated maritime industry jobs.”
Other important partners and stakeholders in PNWH2’s work include Washington’s innovation clusters and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The Consortium for Hydrogen and Renewably Generated E-fuels (CHARGE), part of Washington State University’s Joint Center for Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials (JCDREAM) is a key research leader represented on the PNWH2 Board by Executive Director Aaron Feaver.
For more information and updates on the Pacific Northwest hydrogen Association, visit www.pnwh2.com.
About PNWH2
The Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Association is a public/private, regional non-profit organization formed under the direction of the Washington State legislature to pursue the US Department of Energy’s hydrogen hubs (H2Hubs) funding opportunity under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. PNWH2 is a collective of representatives from the private, government, academic, research and philanthropic communities. Our goal is to create a Pacific Northwest focused hydrogen hub to usher in a clean hydrogen economy and develop the infrastructure required to underlie the clean energy transition. PNWH2 is focused on the full lifecycle and supply chain of hydrogen, with a keen eye on the hard to decarbonize aspects of the economy and a consistent focus on social equity, environmental justice, and community involvement.