The Department of Commerce team of economic development experts works closely with our local and regional partners to coordinate recruitment, promote Washington State, respond to site selector requests for buildable sites and expand and deepen trade and economic relationships worldwide.
Washington is composed of 39 counties, each one represented by an Associate Economic Development (ADO) organization that furthers the county’s or region’s economic development goals. These ADOs are funded in part by the Department of Commerce and their performance and expertise is critical to our goal of growing the economy and building communities statewide.

Regional ADOs
- Washington Business Hub
- Export Finance Assistance Center of Washington (EFACW)
- Centers of Excellence
- Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAMPS)
- Ex-Im Bank
- Governor’s Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance
- Impact Washington
- Small Business Administration
- Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
- Trade Development Alliance
- U.S. Commercial Service
- Washington Economic Development Association
- Washington State Microenterprise Association
- Washington State China Relations Council
- Washington State Office of Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises
- Worksource WA