While in-person awareness and fundraising events are limited during the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Initiatives, there are plenty of ways to continue to engage with your community during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM) and beyond! Below is a list of some ideas and resources.
· Reach out to faith-based leaders and churches in your community to encourage them to include a Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month message in communications with their members.
· Connect with programs providing support to folks during these challenging times, such as mental health service providers. Provide them with information about how the COVID-19 pandemic may be impacting victims/survivors differently. Also educate them about consent and how they can incorporate consent into their work.
· Drop off flyers and brochures at apartment buildings and assisted living facilities.
· Contact your local radio station to do an interview.
· Enhance your social media game! Post on social media!
o Use NSVRC’s images, or create your own.
o Share how folks can support survivors.
o Host a challenge to encourage people to share your posts.
· Identify influential people in your community who are active on social media, and have them share SAAM materials.
· Have a local fitness instructor host an online exercise class that incorporates consent messages, or host a virtual 5K.
· Put advertisements in the online versions of local papers.
· Ask local restaurants who are providing take-out to include a brochure with all orders.
· Find out if local civic groups (such as Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary) are hosting online meetings, and ask to do a virtual presentation.
· Partner with the food bank or lunch pick-up sites to educate their staff and provide resources to be distributed to participants.
· Connect with teachers who are providing online courses and offer to facilitate your educational curriculum virtually.
· Have volunteers host live Facebook events where they talk about why they volunteer with your agency.
· Host an interactive (stay at home) movie screening.
Limitations on in-person events doesn’t mean you can’t continue to connect with your community. If you have other creative ideas, please send a message to ocva@commerce.wa.gov and we can add your ideas to the list!
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