Update on Clean Energy Fund RD&D Match Grants
Commerce’s State Energy Office to begin accepting grant applications for those wishing to fund development, demonstration or deployment of clean energy technologies
The Department of Commerce will be accepting pre-applications for grants under the Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) Match Program beginning Jan. 13, 2017. These grants match federal and other non-state funds for the purpose of researching, developing and demonstrating eligible clean energy technologies.
Phase 1 pre-applications are due before midnight on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017. Approved projects will qualify to proceed to Phase 2 and will need to complete a more comprehensive application. Phase 2 applications will be due March 31, 2017.
More information will be available on our website at http://commerce.wa.gov, including FAQs after Jan. 3, 2017. A bidder’s conference will be held via webinar on Jan.11, 2017.
The Washington State Clean Energy Fund enables a mix of projects administered by Commerce’s State Energy Office. Funding will support development, demonstration and deployment of clean energy technologies that save energy and reduce energy costs, reduce harmful air emissions, or otherwise increase energy independence for the state.
Subscribe to our Energy or Clean Tech mailing lists to receive Clean Energy Fund updates.
For more information, Jill Nordstrom, data and program section manager, at 360-725-3117 or jill.nordstrom@commerce.wa.gov.
For media inquiries, contact Penny Thomas, Commerce Communications, (206) 256-6106, or penny.thomas@commerce.wa.gov