OCVA is excited about the folks that have recently joined our team, and we wanted to take this opportunity to share a bit about them with you. We asked each of our new(er) staff members a few random questions, and the results are pretty great. Please join us in welcoming each of them!
Alissa Greenwald
Victims of Crime Team Program Coordinator
What I do: Manage grants and provide technical assistance to victims of crime programs
A few things about Alissa:
What am I passionate about? Curiosity and adventure. Finding meaningful ways to connect with humanity and the environment keeps me energized.
What skill would I like to master? Meditation in some form. Just chilling out. The thought of “letting go” terrifies me, so I think that says how much I need it! Also drinking stuff- I miss my mouth WAY too often. Maybe meditation would help with that?
Heather Shutter
Sexual Assault Services Team Program Coordinator
What I do: Manage grants and provide technical assistance to sexual assault programs.
A few things about Heather:
My favorite family tradition is having theme-nights throughout the week. Sometimes we’ll do ice cream sundaes, or have a paint night, but every Friday is movie night, complete with homemade pizza and homemade popcorn.
One small thing that makes my day better is bullet journaling. It’s something new to me, but it’s a great way to combine my love of planning and journaling. It’s a really accessible creative outlet when I’ve got a hectic schedule.
Jenna Osterman
Victims of Crime Team Program Coordinator
What I do: Manage grants and provide technical assistance to victims of crime programs.
A few things about Jenna:
What is your favorite family tradition? When my sister and I were younger, we had our first crushes on two of the Hanson Brothers. (Mmmbop, anyone?) Hanson came out with a Christmas soundtrack, and it soon became tradition that we would listen to that album every year as we decorated our Christmas tree. The tradition holds strong – this past year our families all met at my parents’ house to decorate their tree, and my sister’s 3 year-old daughter got her first taste of Hanson. We could never quite get my dad on board (or my brothers…or, now, my husband). But I think part of the magic of family traditions is the undercurrent of embarrassment, eye rolling and its non-negotiable nature.
What are you passionate about? A passion of mine is personal finance. I read books, listen to podcasts, and follow blogs on the subject, and I have countless notepads and sticky notes covered in different ways to arrange my budget or reach certain financial goals. I was lucky enough to grow up in a home where money was not taboo; my parents spoke to me about our household finances, income, expenses, and debts – which helped me start adulthood with a clear understanding of what life costs. I think having knowledge of your economic situation can be incredibly empowering, and I wish it was a more normalized topic in our culture.
Jennie Erdly-Tambellini
Sexual Assault Services Team Program Coordinator
What I do: Manage grants and provide technical assistance to sexual assault programs.
A few things about Jennie:
What is a small thing that makes my day better? My co-workers with cube style. Songs I’ve memorized. Anything by Fleetwood Mac.
What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years? To master my work and travel far and wide while sharing amazing meals with friends old and new.
Melissa Krouse
Safety and Access for Immigrant Victims Program Manager
What I do: Help implement legislation that creates training, time frames, and processes for agencies to assist immigrant victims of crime with U and T visa certifications
A few things about Melissa:
I moved here from Colorado with three animals, two dogs and a cat. That was definitely an adventure spending two days and over 17 hours of driving with wandering pets in the car and trying to keep my cat from hiding in her favorite place, by the car pedals!
Over the next 10 years, I am looking forward to settling down here in Olympia with my boyfriend (and the pets, too). We are excited to begin house hunting this fall and truly find a place to call our permanent home. I am excited to get my two sons through their schooling and hope that they decide to settle down in the Washington area so that I can see them more often. I am also very much looking forward to exploring this beautiful state and having a lot of travel adventures along the way.
Sue Hall, MPA
OCVA Management Analyst
What I do: InfoNet, CMS, OCVA website and data analysis
A few things about Sue:
I have one Betta fish named Carl Jr. He’s a recent resident in my house because I’m dipping my toe back in the water, so to speak, after being without a pet for a few years. I’d like to get a cat and/or dog sometime soon when the right one comes along.
What little things that make your day? Walking in the front door and having Gail (Commerce’s receptionist) automatically open the door to let me in. It feels so welcoming. A really good cup of coffee. Random texts from friends and family.