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Commerce News

Mobile tech innovators join Washington state delegation to 2013 Mobile World Congress
Companies look to the global market for new business opportunities. OLYMPIA, WA – From gaming and shopping apps to development platforms and analytics, Washington’s leading mobile technology companies head to the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from February 25-28 for the industry’s largest annual trade show. The 17 companies…
Housing and Essential Needs services effective at reducing homelessness
Newly released report reveals increased housing stability and less likelihood of incarceration OLYMPIA, WA – A Housing and Essential Needs report for the Washington State Department of Commerceshows recipients have greater housing stability and are less likely to be incarcerated compared to similar peers who do not receive Housing and Essential Needs services. The Housing…
Washington’s Commerce Department awarded $5.6 million in HUD rent supports for 275 unit of permanent housing for low-income with disabilities
Part of HUD & HHS initiative to provide permanent, supportive housing to prevent homelessness or institutionalization of the low-income disabled SEATTLE – The Washington State Department of Commerce (“Commerce”) has been awarded $5,580,280 to provide project-based rental assistance to up to 275 units for extremely low income people with disabilities…
Thousands entitled to Earned Income Tax Credit payment could miss out
Free tax help for low- to moderate-income taxpayers available by dialing 2-1-1 or go to Get Free Tax help for the nearest location OLYMPIA, WA – The state is urging you to apply for your share of millions in Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC) money available to eligible families and individuals…
State Board approves funding for City of Tekoa
OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) today announced approval of a $40,000 grant to the City of Tekoa to support a feasibility study for a truck bypass. If built, the bypass would remove truck traffic from Tekoa’s main street and business district improving public safety…

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Office: 206-256-6106
Mobile: 360-704-9489


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