January 2025 transportation electrification open funding opportunities

US DOE – Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program

  • Qualifying applicants: Manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles that achieve defined fuel economy targets and producers of components or materials that enhance the fuel economy performance of eligible vehicles.
  • Qualifying projects: Must 1) manufacture eligible vehicles or components that are used in eligible vehicles, 2) build new facilities; reequip, modernize or expand existing facilities; and/or support engineering integration performed in the U.S. related to the manufacturing of eligible vehicles or components, 3) be located in the U.S., and 4) provide a reasonable prospect of repayment.
  • Total funding amount: $10 billion.
  • Application due date: Rolling applications.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – Clean Bus Planning Award

  • Qualifying applicants: State and local government entities providing bus service; private school fleets with an active contractual agreement to serve a public school district; nonprofit school transportation associations; tribes, tribal organizations, or tribally controlled schools responsible for the purchase of school buses or providing school bus service for a BIA-funded school; direct or designated recipients of FTA grants, including state and local governmental authorities, and tribes.
  • Award goals: Connect transit and school bus fleets with technical experts to support planning for bus electrification.
  • Assistance provided: Existing fleet baseline analysis, vehicle electrification feasibility analysis, infrastructure assessment and optimization strategy, procurement and project staging, financial analysis, emissions modeling, stakeholder analysis, workforce considerations, and recommended next steps.
  • Application due date: Rolling applications.

WSDOT: Electric Vehicle Charging Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator grant

  • Qualifying applicants: Public or private entities registered to do business in Washington, excluding investor-owned utilities.
  • Qualifying projects: For projects that will improve the reliability of existing non-operational publicly accessible electric vehicle charging infrastructure across Washington.
  • Total funding amount: Up to $9,545,728.00.
  • Application due date: Jan. 30, 2025, by 5 p.m. PST.

WSDOT: National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI)

  • Qualifying applicants: Contractor(s) who can help with the acquisition, installation and operation, and maintenance of the publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure.
  • Qualifying projects: NEVI-compliant charging stations along the identified corridors.
  • Total funding amount: $25 million.
  • Application due date: Jan. 31, 2025, 11:59 p.m. PST.
  • US DOE – Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program
  • Qualifying applicants: Applicants must meet the SBIR/STTR program eligibility requirements in 13 CFR 121, Small Business Size Regulations.
  • Qualifying projects: Grant applications sought for the following subtopics: Innovative EV battery cells and components, improving EV battery recycling efficiency, improving consumer electronic battery recycling efficiency, modular heavy-duty vehicle batteries, material innovations for thermal runaway mitigation in high-end battery enclosures, EV battery firefighting technologies, electrified hydraulic components for off-road equipment, and increasing efficiency through systemwide innovation.
  • Total funding amount: $65 million
  • Application due date: Feb. 26, 2025, 11:59 p.m. EST.

U.S. SCEP – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program

  • Qualifying applicants: Tribal governments.
  • Qualifying projects: Reduce fossil-fuel emissions in an environmentally sustainable way while maximizing benefits for local and regional communities.
    • Reduce the total energy use of eligible entities.
    • Improve energy efficiency in the transportation sector, the building sector and other appropriate sectors.
    • Build a clean and equitable energy economy that prioritizes overburdened communities and promotes equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities and deployment activities, including programs for financing zero-emission transportation (and associated infrastructure).
    • Total funding amount: $430 million.
  • Application due date: May 31, 2025.

US DOE – Community Energy Innovation Prize Round 2

  • Qualifying applicants: Individuals; private entities (for-profits and nonprofits); nonfederal government entities such as states, counties, tribes and municipalities; and academic institutions.
  • Qualifying projects: The prize is made up of three tracks; one of which is the Vehicles Ecosystem Track. For this track, prizes will be awarded based on supporting the deployment of clean transportation technologies in a manner that promotes access to clean transportation technologies, improves health and air quality outcomes, and lowers the burden of transportation impacts on community members.
  • Total funding amount: $8.42 million.
  • Application due date: June 20, 2025.