Fleet Electrification

Electric car charging at a station

State fleet vehicles are a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions resulting from state agency operations. To meet GHG limits established in RCW 70A.45.050, state agencies will need to transition fleet vehicles to battery-electric options.

The State Efficiency and Environmental Performance (SEEP) Office is responsible for implementing Executive Order 21-04 (Zero Emission Vehicles) in partnership with the Department of Enterprise Services (DES). To rapidly transition state fleets to battery electric vehicles, SEEP has established vehicle purchase exemption criteria, leads a comprehensive planning and implementation process, and supports investment in BEVs and EV charging at state facilities. SEEP leverages collaborative efforts with state agency stakeholders to make progress on fleet electrification.

Expedited Rulemaking Completed: State Agency Requirements to Purchase Alternative Fuel Vehicles

The State Efficiency and Environmental Performance Office initiated an expedited rulemaking on May 9, 2024 to maintain consistency in the rules specifying how State Agencies and Local Governments can meet the goals set forth in RCW 43.19.648.

RCW 43.19.648 requires that all State Agencies and Local Governments, to the extent practicable as determined by rules pursuant to the section, satisfy one hundred percent of their fuel usage for operating publicly owned vessels, vehicles, and construction equipment from electricity or biofuel. Rules for State Agencies were initially adopted in 2013 and are specified in WAC chapter 194-28-070, while the corresponding rules for Local Governments were initially adopted in 2015 and are written in WAC chapter 194-29-070.

In reviewing these rules, Commerce found an administrative inconsistency in the rule language concerning routine charging in the field for covered vehicles. The updated rules linked below amend the rule language in 194-28-070 for State Agency vehicles so that it is consistent with the rules for Local Governments in 194-29-070.

Important Note: These rules only affect State Agencies.

Because this change only affects state agencies and is not subject to violation by an individual, Commerce initiated an expedited rulemaking per the authority granted in RCW 34.05.353(1)(a). In doing so, Commerce was not required to produce draft rules or conduct a public hearing. Commerce did not receive any objections to the use of the expedited process or comments on the proposed rules within the provided comment period and filed final rules on July 22, 2024.

Review the final rules here: Final Rules

Please direct all questions and inquiries to Nick Manning, Legislative and Rulemaking Coordinator, at nick.manning@commerce.wa.gov.