Commerce attends the Global Energy Solutions Summit

The National Governor’s Association (NGA), along with the Embassy of Canada, Denmark and Australia, hosted a two day summit in Washington D.C., highlighting three emerging technologies: offshore wind, energy storage and carbon capture utilization and storage.

The summit examined how innovative activities and policies from each country foster deployment and development for these technologies. Attendees included the Governor of Connecticut, the newly appointed Ambassador of Denmark as well as high level representatives from federal and state governments, partner countries, industry and other non-governmental organizations.

Each technology had a dedicated program, with panels and discussion from top experts, and captured the different stages of maturity for each industry.

There was a special focus on how state level policy can advance these technologies, with a spotlight on the early adopters in the U.S.

The take home message for state governments? Policies, such as procurement targets and clean energy mandates, can go a long way to pushing deployment of projects and help drive the market by creating signals on pricing.


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