Notice of Funding Opportunity – Grant funding to cover ongoing operating, maintenance or services (PSH-OMS) expenses
The Washington Department of Commerce is soliciting applications/proposals from those qualified and interested in supplemental grant funding to cover ongoing operating, maintenance or services (PSH-OMS) expenses. Please review RCW 36.22.250 (5.b.i) and (5.b.ii) for details.
The purpose of this grant is to provide cost reimbursement funding for operating, maintenance and/or supportive service costs of permanent supportive housing projects or affordable housing projects, during State Fiscal Year 2025. Eligible housing units will or have received funding from the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) or other public capital funding sources (PSH-OMS). Projects must be occupied by extremely low-income households with incomes at or below thirty percent (30%) of the area median income and require a supplement to rental income to cover ongoing property operating, maintenance, and/or services expenses (PSH-OMS).
Commerce proposes issuing a NOFO up to $12M ($1M – HTF-O&M and $11M PSH-OMS) to be assessed after receiving qualifying applications and as we continue to watch account balances and recording fee revenue, administrative expenses and unexpended SFY24 contracts. Proposals will be evaluated to determine the supplement needed between their revenue and expenses. Projects that do not demonstrate a gap or need for a supplement for HTF-O&M or PSH-OMS will be considered as ineligible.
- View and download NOFO and Exhibits (on Box)
- Proposals due: Friday, October 11, 2024, 5:00 p.m. PT
For question, please email RFP Coordinator Grace Lee at