Commerce announces $500,000 in grants for 21 rural planning projects

Essential planning funded to guide future rural community development.

Olympia, WA – The Washington State Department of Commerce today announced nearly $500,000 in Community Development Block Grants to 21 rural cities and counties. The grants, ranging from $22,000 to $24,000, will fund crucial development plans for new or improved water and wastewater systems, community centers, growth management plans and feasibility studies across the state.
Town of Almira – $24,000 for water system plan
Town of Conconully – $22,800 for community services needs assessment
Town of Hatton – $24,000 for truck bypass feasibility plan
Town of Lind – $24,000 for water system hydraulic analysis and planning
Town of Lyman – $24,000 for water system plan
Town of Mattawa – $24,000 for water system plan
Town of Metaline- $24,000 for water system plan
Town of Metaline Falls – $23,670 for wastewater treatment facility plan
Town of Riverside – $24,000 for community center feasibility plan
City of Asotin – $24,000 for wastewater treatment facility plan
City of Colville – $22,000 for senior center plan
City of Goldendale – $24,000 for community center feasibility plan
City of Kettle Falls – $24,000 for library expansion plan
City of Raymond – $23,000 for emergency services facility plan
City of Ritzville – $24,000 for water system plan
City of Rock Island – $23,971 for comprehensive growth management plan
City of Royal City – $24,000 for water system plan
City of South Bend – $24,000 for comprehensive growth management plan
City of Tekoa – $24,000 for pavement management plan
City of Tonasket – $24,000 for storm water system plan
Stevens County – $24,000 for water district feasibility plan

Nearly $583,000 was requested from the competitively-awarded planning-only grants program administered by Commerce. The state program receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide grants to small cities (under 50,000 population) and rural counties (under 200,000 population) for activities that benefit lower income people. Larger cities and counties receive funding directly from HUD.

Since 1982, the state Community Development Block Grant program has awarded more than $445 million for construction of water, sewer, streets and other local infrastructure; community facilities such as health centers and childcare centers; housing rehabilitation projects for low-income households; loans and technical assistance to local micro-enterprises; and the development of plans and studies aimed at enhancing the success of future projects.