Child Care Partnership Grants (CCPG)

Child Care Partnership Grants fund community-driven organizing, planning and pre-design activities to build community readiness to address the shortage of child care. The grants prioritize inclusive solutions that expand access to underserved and historically marginalized communities.
Smiling children

CCPG Partnerships

CCPG projects span the state and support activities such as:

  • Assessing the local conditions contributing to the lack of affordable child care and barriers to reaching historically underserved and marginalized families.
  • Coordinating community coalitions to gather input for a strategic plan to address the shortage of providers or available slots in a community.
  • Conducting funding and feasibility assessments and developing community engagement materials.
  • Designing and launching innovative and sustainable solutions that prepare for capital projects or increase the capacity of providers.

Since the CCPG program began in 2020, we’ve invested in 41 communities in 28 counties.

CCPG Partnerships Map

For a detailed list of CCPG funding partnerships, please view the CCPG grantees and service areas Cohort 1 (PDF) document.
CCPG Partnership Map

Community Impact

“CCPG played a critical role in leveraging the work we were able to do... including the feasibility study and interviewing residents in south Seattle – asking them ‘What do you want? What do you need? …Funders want to know how the voices of the people have been centered in the project – CCPG allowed us the time to do just that.”

Ashleigh Shoecraft of Empowering Youth and Families Outreach (EYFO) on designing and raising funds for a new child care center creating 110 new slots in south Seattle

“As a result of CCPG and our collaboration with community partners, eight non-English speaking Latinx community members received their childcare license adding an additional 58 bilingual/bicultural licensed child care slots in central Vancouver.”

Debbie Ham of Support for Early Learning & Families (SELF) on the success of their outreach and cohort model targeted at increasing care in the Latinx community of Clark County

“The [CCPG] grant allowed me to create the outline of the program with engagement of the community to secure their input on the Black American-centered curriculum. When the project is complete, we will provide 170 new childcare spots with 40 of those being extended hours spots.”

Kerra Bower of Raze Development Inc. on designing a new 170 slot non-profit child care center, Spokane County

"The CCPG funding allowed our rural hospital the staff time to develop partnerships, hire experts, and develop a plan and design for childcare for our community and workforce. The funding we used for baseline data and designs were essential to the next funding request success. We are now fully funded and will break ground soon! Thank you."

Dr. Molly Parker of Jefferson Healthcare on designing a new 42 slot child care facility on the Olympic Peninsula, Jefferson County


Lauren Nissen, Coordinator

