Boards, Commissions and Councils
Commerce chairs or holds seats on several independent state boards, commissions and councils. We also provide staff and administrative support to these bodies and others listed at the right.
Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB)
Washington State Affordable Housing Advisory Board (AHAB) advises the Department of Commerce on housing and housing-related issues. AHAB has 22 members representing a variety of interests related to affordable housing. Nineteen are appointed by the Governor for four-year terms.
Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB)
The state Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) funds public infrastructure improvements that encourage new business development and expansion. Some examples of projects include bridges, roads, water and sewer systems, railroads, telecommunications, utilities and port facilities.
Child Care Collaborative Task Force
The Child Care Collaborative Task Force (CCCTF) was created by the Washington State Legislature in 2018 (SHB 2367) to develop policies and recommendations to incentivize employer-supported child care and improve child care access and affordability for employees.
Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)
The Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is located within the Community Services and Housing Division of Commerce, but it is a separate and independent state agency appointed by the Governor. The DDC educates and advises local, state and federal policymakers on topics related to systems that serve disabled men, women and children in Washington.
Public Works Board
Created in 1985, the Washington State Public Works Board administers the state’s Public Works Assistance Account. The mission of the Public Works Board is to provide financial and technical assistance to Washington communities for critical public health, safety, and environmental infrastructure to support community and economic vitality.
Statewide Reentry Council
The Statewide Reentry Council was created in 2016 to improve public safety and outcomes for individuals reentering the community.
Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Board
The Washington State ABLE governing board is supported by the Community Services and Housing Division of Commerce, but it is a separate and independent state entity whose board members are appointed by the Governor. The ABLE Savings Plan allows people with disabilities and their families to save for future expenses without losing their state and federal benefits.
Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF)
The Developmental Disabilities Endowment Trust Fund (DDETF) governing board is supported by the Community Services and Housing Division of Commerce, but it is a separate and independent state entity whose board members are appointed by the Governor. DDETF is a special needs trust to help make saving simple and affordable for individuals with disabilities.