NEWS RELEASE: Board grants $255K for feasibility studies in 6 communities

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) today approved $255,000 in grants for public infrastructure development and economic feasibilities studies targeting business growth and job creation for the cities of Washougal, Aberdeen and Tumwater, Pacific County and the Cowlitz and Kalispel tribes.

  • Clark County – $50,000 grant to the Cowlitz Indian Tribe for the Cowlitz Indian Reservation Site Plan and Development Feasibility Study. This is a feasibility study to develop a master plan for approximately 156 acres of the Cowlitz Indian Reservation for future economic development. CERB funds were matched by $16,667 in local resources.
  • Clark County – $50,000 grant to the City of Washougal for the Washougal Town Center Transportation – Infrastructure Study. This is a feasibility study to develop a transportation and infrastructure plan, for 85 acres of vacant and redevelopment land in the Town Center District. CERB funds were matched by $25,000 in local resources.
  • Grays Harbor County – $50,000 grant to the City of Aberdeen for the SR520 Casting Basin Alternative Analysis Plan. This is a feasibility study to conduct a highest and best use analysis for the former SR520 Casting Basin (Pontoon Site) in Aberdeen. CERB funds were matched by $18,000 in local resources.
  • Pacific County – $50,000 grant to the Pacific County for the Storm Water Management at Hardwoods Mill Site Plan. This is a feasibility study to develop a comprehensive stormwater management plan for the Pacific Hardwoods site. CERB funds were matched by $16,667 in local resources.
  • Pend Oreille County – $25,000 grant to the Kalispel Tribe of Indians for the Lodging and Amenities Feasibility Study. This is a feasibility study to develop and vet a lodging plan that will include complimentary amenities and services at the Kalispel Tribe’s Commerce Park in Cusick, WA. CERB funds were matched by $8,333 in local resources.
  • Thurston County – $30,000 grant to the City of Tumwater for the Craft Brewing and Distilling Incubators Plan. This a feasibility study to develop a master plan for the Craft Brewing and Distilling Center that will provide a path to develop a program and secure investments for appropriately designed and scaled business incubator facilities. CERB funds were matched by $10,000 in local resources.

“CERB projects represent an important partnership between the state and local communities, resulting in enhanced economic vitality. The board is pleased to collaborate with each of these communities to plan for future private sector jobs for Washington families,” said CERB Chair Steve Anderson.

“CERB’s mission of creating jobs and building sustainable economies in communities statewide is vital to to all Washingtonians,” said Brian Bonlender, director of the Washington State Department of Commerce. “Our work through CERB helps local governments and tribes finance their vision for the future.”

The release of CERB funds to these projects is contingent on each applicant completing specific pre-contract requirements, such as finalizing other funding sources and obtaining necessary permits.

Since 1982, CERB has committed nearly $206 million to local jurisdictions across the state, an investment generating more than 34,000 jobs, and private capital investments of a $5.7 billion ($27 to $1) return on CERB investment.

As Washington’s strategic economic development resource, CERB is focused on creating private sector jobs in partnership with local governments by financing infrastructure improvements. These improvements encourage new business development and expansion. In addition to funding construction projects, CERB provides limited funding for studies that evaluate high-priority economic development projects. Learn more about CERB at


Local Contacts:
Cowlitz Indian Tribe: Christine Myers, Tribal Planner, 360-353-6461
City of Washougal: David Scott, City Administrator, 360-835-8501
City of Aberdeen: Erik Larson, Mayor, 360-537-3227
Pacific County: Mike Collings, Director/City Engineer, 360-875-9368
Kalispel Tribe of Indians: Sev Jones, Director of Projects and Planning, 509-671-2292
City of Tumwater: Heidi Behrends, Assistant City Administrator, 360-754-4128

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